[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

i drew the squiggly line connecting the two dots you just reminded me that the first dot existed

Appel was town in Vanilla

that isnt the point

the point is that itā€™s a forced memevote

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fuck it let me have my tinfoil

I know

I was responding to Chloe


i mean

if i were kat and i randed scum with vul - and arete was in the game
i would do the same shit they are doing right now

so dont rule it out :^)

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if i randed scum with vulgard iā€™d probably fucking bus him sheā€™s not wrong

this is only if i were kat

if chloe and vul got starting groupscum, there would be a d1 GT and game would end on d2

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am i going too deep into this?
this will be useful after N1 ends


as a deep south boomer I donā€™t understand a word of it

Have you explained why that is?

I want to say Leafia is town here tbqh, but I canā€™t be sure

The current pair candidates are Chloe/Katze, Cents/Chloe/, Arete/Katze, and TBE/someone else

Activity isnā€™t NAI for Wazza

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@TheBlueElixir if I were to put you in allies who would you want to go in allies with?

hard veto this for reasons ive explained earlier

I still have it on the table, but I remember what you said. I might just add you/Arete, but I want input damnit

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Itā€™s my decision, but I want everyoneā€™s input on the subject

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I want to be in the allies chat for a reason but I cannot really say much more than that.

@Chloe what could you and Centuries do in allies? How would it be better than Arete/Katze going in?

and who would you want in with you if I picked you?