[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

frost not having posted once is nagl

calculus is probably a villager but i canā€™t really follow his logic because he uses a completely different mindset

im going back to sleep
Be back in an hr or some shit


Alright, Iā€™m half awake but Iā€™m not going sleep again. Time to explain my read on Chloe.

Chloe's ISO

They start off the game by memeingā€¦Now, Iā€™m not sure about you guys but this doesnā€™t feel like a Town Chloe straight away.

Not to mention, everyone keeps just following her and saying ā€˜This is Townā€™ ā€˜Sheā€™s Townā€™ so Iā€™m aware I wonā€™t be able to get her lynched D2 nonetheless. (Vulgard, Centuries and Katze all did this)

:^) (iā€™m sorry)

Anyway, Chloe spends the first 20 posts just memeing. Unsure if Chloe has done this before but in this game itā€™s put me the wrong way.

The annoying thing with this is that Leafia didnā€™t claim it. Leafia just spoke about Priest and then Chloe just started speaking about how Leafia is Priest?

And then more memeing. I swear, why are you memeing so much? And then her responses afterwards just get more god damn confusing, like what the fuck am I reading? No wonder it gave me so many red flags.

344 posts into the game with around half of the players in the game only being the posters.
Totally plenty of content for the a null-filled read.

This just contradicts what she said earlier, since if Leafia is Priest, they would, more than likely, be Town anyway.

Opinions change.

Wolves would also want to look Town and continue doing whatever makes them look Town, you would know this.

You canā€™t even explain a pretty important read you have.

It wasnā€™t even a stupid post, thatā€™s the annoying thing. The post made perfect sense unlike everything Iā€™ve seen from you.

Also, she selectively missed out the fact that me and PKR both said the exact same thing just minutes apart from each other. (Coincidence but it happened)


Now there are moments where she posts good posts that seem genuinely Town. Not enough though, but they exist.

Iā€™m going to ignore the fact you made this post exist in the first place.

That didnā€™t look like the intention at all. It more looks like a noobtown being, well, new.

There is literally two players in the scumchat. I really doubt this would be possible since you know, theyā€™re new.

So what if this one is faking them being newbtown? Explain that to me. What makes this so different from Calculus?

I really fucking hate these posts so much.

Iā€™m unsure of how much content PKR has given at the time, but okay, getting people to talk is good.

ā€¦And thenā€¦What the fuck. I had 5 fucking posts at the time, how are you physically able to get a read on me when all my posts talked about me not doing much, or not being pinged, or just randomly coming into the thread.

Explain this? I havenā€™t done physically anything so I really doubt this would even be possible. And no one hasnā€™t even talked about it.

Haha, this post.

Time to stop here because if I further the ISO, Iā€™d just be expanding my read. My read was for last night so.

Anyway, my opinions on this whole thing? Vulgard and Chloe are probably starting groupscum together based on their interactions in the thread. Iā€™m not a big fan of it at all and it just seems like two wolves talking to each other. Iā€™ve played as wolves with each of them (Vulgard not so much) and Vulgard usually likes to distance himself from his fellow wolves by interacting with them. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sensing from this whole thing.



Everyone Else who I havenā€™t seen much from.




memeing isnt that AI for chloe and the whole ā€œISO Wazza @PKā€ thing was a part of a meme too

This feels good to me.
Actually townread for once.
It is about time

In all seriousness, I would like to know why you townlean PK and Leafia.
Leafia is a contested read from what I had seen.
PK is someone who I still have like paranoia from.

Reading PK and PKR:

PKā€™s lack of awareness on others is probably what would make him town (or lost wolf).

PKR is complicated. His RT isnā€™t really his (Chloe takes the credit), but he did contribute. He didnā€™t care about being on allies chat. I would say he is town from reading his 49 posts

These will not be my last words Iā€™ve ever spoken

(Ghost of Tsushima)

There is no such thing as a lost wolf. Some neutrals scum side but that is the closest thing there isā€¦ unless King would count as a lost wolf potentially.

I want to be in allies chat and I made that explicitly clear.

famous last words

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Good thing thereā€™s no such thing as claimkill.

placing death flags is a pretty easy way to die though

I would be talking about Neutral Killer

Well, I take back what I said except your choice of allies would be broad with a few restrictions

donā€™t talk about how you arenā€™t going to die
donā€™t mention going back to your family
and whatever you do
NEVER bring up how close you are to retirement

How much of this read is because I said you and PK are W/W? That seemed to be the shifting point in your argument.
To be clear
It was a reaction test. An unplanned one - but an RT nonetheless.

I have indeed done this before
And my sister is in this game. I cant not meme

I was saying what nearly everyone was thinking
And wolves pick up on this shit more than villagers do
Might as well just make it clear that Leafia was claiming priest - because it was pretty damn obvious fmpov
How is this AI

Once again
How is this AI
also there was plenty of content - especially for a d1 with no voting phase

I was saying that my social read on her backs it up
Just because someone claims something doesnt mean you justā€¦ ignore their slot?
ā€œMore than likely townā€ != town

Explain how this is AI
I asked why his opinion changed

Agree to disagree. I dont think a wolf would continue to say self-aware statements immediately after being called out for one

Its not a ā€œpretty important readā€
I made it hours into the day
I dont remember why i made it
How is this AI

It was a stupid post
Vul was reading kat based off of a meme
Vul knows kat shouldnt be read based off of memes
It looked too stupid to come from w!vul

Did you miss the part where it says ā€œtownie pkr openerā€ ?
Not townie WAZZA opener
The opener from you was NAI
But for PKR looked townie - as he usually opens with solving and shit as a wolf

Once again
Agree to disagree
Also youve yet to point out how any of this is AI
So far it seems like differences in opinions

Tone - calculus feels more disingenuous
They also popped into the thread with a list of potential wolves right off the bat
Which seemed weirdly fake-solvey

I think you completely misunderstood this conversation.
I dont ACTUALLY scumread you or think youre W/W with PK
It was a fuckin reaction test. Its like you skipped over the context of the discussion just to hop to where you were mentioned

You didnt even include more than one place where I interact with vul

Also i expect a wall on vul now
Since its apparent you scumread him

Do you mind if I save this quote? I have no idea what my meta is like and I seem to be meta analysed so much so I assume it is important.


No how dare you

Yeah sure idc

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