[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

methinks medumb for medoing a memistake but chlebdumb for not telling medumb all along :^)

Arete and Chloe picked up on it.
I was hoping a fellow brit would do.

to be fair Iā€™m only skimming.

busy rn Iā€™ll talk more later

you can use your brain ):<

also i didnt realize you were possibly making a mistake until a few minutes ago

try to give me a number in allies that tells me what happened

also i hope you realize the longer we talk about this the more obvious it becomes, nerd


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Iā€™ll give his posts a read I mainly saw his post about the redcheck, Which I donā€™t really like because at that point you might aswell claim.

Iā€™m also thinking of something else it could be but I will not out that for now and keep it to myself.

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I mean you pointed out the mistake :^)

I made a plan for somethingp retty dumbie :^)

Couldve just done both

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alright I got time.

Yes the thing on Vulgard was fake. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t have a half-redcheck.

Yes Iā€™m hardclaiming invest right now.

So this was ā€œrEaCtIoN tEsTiNgā€?

ur dumb but ily

also give me your reads
you probably didnt re-read huh

/vote PsychoKang

@Geyde @Marshal @Blizer

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no, because it exists, just not fully.

the ones I posted in allies :^)

A. Why did you do it so early
B. What did you get out of it

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U canā€™t get out of the thunderdome

Also why did you end it so quickly

back for a minute

why would you fake a hard claim

how could you

also, was it just for reactions? Like, did you just do it because you thought, ā€˜why notā€™, maybe it could help

also is it bad that I feel out-of-the-loop for not being in allies

Wazza making a half-assed fake red check

very lukewarm take

that was not ended ā€˜too earlyā€™

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no point in continuing it when I canā€™t stay in the thread for much longer.

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