[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Vul you never really awnsered my question of how your vote changed on me like you showed you thought my first couple of posts were townie but then you slightly changed how you thought about me on that same day, but you also said:

Idk in what context or how they compare to my later d1 posts that lead you to believe in a wild change, because I was pretty sure you already on d1 disliked how my later posts were going I just want to know how they compare to the Later day 1 posts to my day 2 posts


have you read up completely?


Alchemist is good
Archer seems fun but idk whether it is good per se.
Butler is the classic norm.
Chronomancer seems fairly useless.
CW is quite good.
Drunk again is like a classic norm for BD. Not bad.
Hunter is my husbando and I refuse to ever call it weak.
Knight is decent because of Armored.
Maid is something I love.
Mystic seems good.
Noble could be real powerful with bounty.
Observer is good because it has a good way to narrow things down.
Paladin and Sheriff are meh but important for us
Phys is good
Priest would be good if SOMEONE did not claim it yesterday. The fact leaf was not saved in any way makes me think some shenanigans are afoot.
Prince is good.
Princess is a nice investigative imo.
Tavernkeep is ok, but one of the weaker offensives imo.



This slot apparently has activity tells and this slot does stick out to as having strange posts. If this slot doesnā€™t improve they need to go.


There isnā€™t much with Appelā€™s slot, but whatā€™s there is very genuine. If Appel is scum then they are doing a good job of faking things. They do need to interact more tomorrow


Arete hasnā€™t been as towny this game, but I donā€™t think they are a wolf here. I also donā€™t think they are Anoot here. I want to put Arete at a slight town lean, but I do think they need to do more in the coming days. I can do a full ISO on anyone here if needed, but I think Arete is probably a towny


This is another slot that I donā€™t like and have trouble explaining it, but unlike most of my other reads this one is likely a villager. I say this because I have been forgetting that people here are naturally scummy at times and in my opinion there are people more scummy than AT, but I think AT should be in the PoE for sure.


In my opinion this slot is very unlikely to be a wolf. I donā€™t think anyone this paranoid can be a wolf, but I donā€™t know


Cents is someone you can often read by tone and I quite like Cents tone here. If I need to I can explain this read further, but on the surface I like Centuries tone.


This slot is probably town. I say that because I have miscleared Chloe before, but I donā€™t think I am doing that here. This is only a line, but I can explain it better later. If you are scum then I really donā€™t know


I hear that FrostWolf can be read on activity and from that FrostWolf is likely town. I donā€™t have much more to say about this slot. I do want them to speak with us more, but there arenā€™t many red flags here.


What can I say? Italy is actually trying, which is a good look from him. From this I think Italy is most likely town.


I really donā€™t know how to read Katze, so it can wait for later, as it should be more apparent later on. I probably should try, but I donā€™t even know where to start. Katze is townier than Vulgard in my opinion, but I donā€™t know.


I will admit that I have some paranoia about this slot, but I think Leafia is probably town here. Leafia is displaying her own opinions, seems to be less sheepy, and trying to solve. In my opinion this indicates that Leafia is likely town, especially after seeing some of her town games.


In my opinion this slot does not seem like scum. I am probably giving newbies too much of a pass, but I think moments like them asking why TBE TLā€™s them after 2 posts just doesnā€™t come from scum.


PKR is another slot that I donā€™t know how to explain my read on, but some aspects of the slot bug me. I can say that this PKR does not sound like the PKR from SFoL 62, but I really donā€™t know on this one. This is a null read for me.


I really donā€™t know about this one. This is kind of getting into not as certain territory for me, but their posting is damn odd and I kind of donā€™t like it. No reads, purely fluff, and almost nothing game related. This could be a wolf in my opinion. I do have to remember that some individuals are naturally more scummy, but this slot is scummy to me.


This slot is towny as hell. TBE is solving, he gives reads, he is acting like his town self previously (I suppose we havenā€™t seen much scum TBE), and he progresses his reads on d1. This slot is likely town and thatā€™s final.


I canā€™t really explain it, but uh, this slot is likely not town. I have seen T!Vul games and this does not look like one of them. Thatā€™s just it, you either improve your posting and somehow prove you are town or just die. I know my reasoning is weak, but I canā€™t explain this one.


Wazzaā€™s posts donā€™t raise any red flags in my opinion. I donā€™t think Wazza is scum here and if anyone says Wazza is scum purely from activity they need to look at SFoL 62 or Airlock. You need to speak more tomorrow Wazza or expect more pressure later on



Why tf are me and PK together

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Time to bully PKRā€™s opinions:

Alchemist is good - Disagree
Archer seems fun but idk whether it is good per se. - Disagree
Butler is the classic norm. - Agree
Chronomancer seems fairly useless. - Agree
CW is quite good. - ā€¦Eh.
Drunk again is like a classic norm for BD. Not bad. - Agree
Hunter is my husbando and I refuse to ever call it weak. - Disagree when thereā€™s 5 hunter claims.
Knight is decent because of Armored. - Agree
Maid is something I love. - Agree
Mystic seems good. - Agree
Noble could be real powerful with bounty. - Disagree
Observer is good because it has a good way to narrow things down. - Agree
Paladin and Sheriff are meh but important for us - Agree
Phys is good - Disagree
Priest would be good if SOMEONE did not claim it yesterday. The fact leaf was not saved in any way makes me think some shenanigans are afoot. - ā€¦Agree.
Prince is good. - Agree
Princess is a nice investigative imo. - Disagree intensely.
Tavernkeep is ok, but one of the weaker offensives imo. - Disagree


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Fluff? I mean yes some of my eailer posts werenā€™t the greatest in content but Iā€™ve been trying to actually give my takes on stuff.

wazza if you post one more time about your claim im going to claim for you

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This is a fairly solid readslistā€¦

ā€¦For D1, shenanigans have happened, Leafia is dead and PK or PKR are scum.

oh yeah dw soul meta is happening itā€™s normal

do it, coward.

wazza is claiming to be

a bitch


ā€¦I didnā€™t expect you to reveal me like that.

@Amelia speak.

3 hours before i bleed you


not if i bleed her first
