[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

the people i want to interact with arent here

like ita-
oh hi italy


is this bias

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I like how you made a post about ā€œsolid readslistā€ when the actual list was made one minute a go did you actually read everyone they posted about in under a minute and come to the conclusion it was solid

I read PK as town last night and thatā€™s kind of what I believed, but I will re-eval later

That was made before the SoD

i do have a habit of walking in at the exact perfect time, yes

Give us your reads.

do not reply with /shrug.

something is about to get interesting for once

Iā€™ve rolled Phys far too many times on these forums.

Iā€™m bias against both.


gorta is V

not that it matters a ton, but how confident are you in these reads

you put alot of work into them, and being king and TRā€™d you can actually put them into motion

i am tempted :eyes:

im going to quote this for random reasons

donā€™t mind me

ā€œFor D1ā€

If this was still D1, this readslist would be good and Iā€™m positive it was made D1 or in Allies.

So what?

Then why is PK not higher?

You should do.
Catch up a bit and give your take if you do not mind.
Thanks ^^

Other people might be higher.

Itā€™s the issue with that sort of readslist.

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It is why I use my tier system.

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Thatā€™s why I use my very easy to read colour coded tierlist.

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I saw this readlist posted 5 minutes ago just came across disingenuous, if It was posted before in allies chat then fair enough

i will say, however, that this is the dumbest question i have ever seen
wazza clearly said right then and there ā€œi have a redcheckā€ and this only serves to either be a completely useless question or shoot down an RT

why did you go down

I wasnā€™t in allies and I just said it was probably created during allies or something.