[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

i used vocabulary and meta algorithmic analysis to reach this conclusion

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that is half the reason I used that list in other games

to force myself, when everybody seems towny, to see where are the scummier players are

Tbf I read it in that time too.
Like, you could look at the list without opening any comment boxes and it would be a ā€œreadslistā€ that could be analysed somewhat.

yeah this is his allies list

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It depends on the person

because I was thinking they were town and might still think that if I re-eval, but there were others townier

That took me 4-5 hours to make and yeah, people in allies got a sneak peek

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gorta how do you feel about how allies went

idk if you were already asked this

I mean it was posted 1 minute away (at best) from wazza replied to it, I donā€™t like the idea that someone can decide itā€™s solid in under 1 minute for such a big post

I couldnā€™t bs up a list like that with reads on everyone in 5 minutes

I asked if gorta read up completely earlier

but if you didnt gorta,

what do you think the other people in allies thought about allies chat

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I feel it was productive, you were the most productive and I can say you and cents are most definitely town from it.

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also im ngl i dont really like PKRs soft

I like everything else about the slot. opener was good for him, tone seems genuine, we mindmelded on the PK stuff, etc etc
but that soft was so weird and breadcrumby

Eh, idk how to do softs.
I wanted it to be so much softer and more subtle.
But when I accidentally replied to it, it took away my wish.

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I did read up and I need to re-eval a few slots today because the thing is PK is being voted up and I need to check if that slot is town or not before I can vote them up

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thats how I feel

but with Wazzaā€™s

PKRā€™s is a bit overdone but (at least I) wouldve missed it; it couldve gone under for a bit

I know :sob:

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pretty much my entire take on wazza is TWTBAW

Time to get some food

No one understands that I didnā€™t soft anything, I hardclaimed Invest.

im going to stop talking about your claim after this post


I dont like the way you went about calling your class useless and just kind of kept going with alot of unnecessary softing

arete hasnt made any wallposts (okay they made one)

just thought iā€™d point that out

i cant tell if im proud or concerned