[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Me pushing PK.
You and Arete pushing Vul.
You being frustrated by Centuries but making some other point too.
Katze working things out but not saying about them out loud.
Appel continuing to have scum equity due to doing nothing (Meaning at this point my RNG from before looks dope as heck ngl)

@Appelsiini @Italy @Amelia yā€™all need to post more because if yā€™all donā€™t expect people to eventually execute

ā€¦Hi, itā€™s quite literally 8AM. Iā€™m not planning to do anything yet because I just woke up but apparently this is the first thing I see so I wanted to point this out.

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no more codes

youre being a banana



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Anyone who is slanking or suspected needs to come here and do towny things if you donā€™t want to get executed and get us closer to parity.

You donā€™t have to hyper post, just play the damn game that you signed up for

whatā€™s the current VC?


/vote Vulgard @Geyde @Marshal

[Details]AtNoName read

Pretty useless opening

I am going to overlook that which may confirm them

PsychoKang read


NAI post, it might change whether he survives

Italy read

ā€œi read all 250 posts and then forgot all of them
just italy thingsā„¢ā€

NAI post

ā€œthis is the last thing i wanted to walk in on
if we had a day 1 lynch i would defy reality and decavote youā€

Scumreading PKR based on that post, but nothing sufficient since this is natural reaction

(Quote is broken)

Vulgard read

ā€œNot first.ā€ ā€œWhy.ā€ ā€œā€¦I get weird energies from this post. But I got weird energies from AT all game when they last FoLed, and they were town, so tentative townlean.ā€ ā€œOkay?ā€ ā€œMy certified First Post Read ā„¢ would tell me Chloe is town, but the read will never work again because Chloe realizes itā€™s a tell of hers now.ā€ ā€œThatā€™s not what my read was. Villagery post, though.ā€

One big opening post, mixed NAI and town vibes

ā€œI canā€™t read you early game. I read you on how you behave around who I think the wolves are.ā€

Again another mix of town/NAI, however this makes me intrigued since Vulgard is laying foundation on how he read people in next days, heā€™s going to be troubling convert target

Soulshade55r read

ā€œIā€™m scared of talking because Iā€™m scumā€

ā€œIā€™m the Court Wizard and this king is not of our faction he is a Traitor!ā€

Pretty NAI, however this is neat reference when I42 have released the trailer of Throne of Lies with the story of Court Wizard, however my point stands, the king is the least of concerns when it comes to gamesolving.

(Quote is broken)

Calculus read

"I have awoken!

I have a few things to say, and I really donā€™t like some peopleā€™s behaviorsā€¦

How do you do the thing where you show someone elseā€™s message?"

Opening post that he want to read into people specifically but doesnā€™t know how to do it, something that can be asked on class card DM with the host, nevertheless heā€™s someone to be look out for.

ā€œJust realized that the three things I quoted were nearly the same ._.ā€

Quoting three things what Arete said about Calculus himself, not exactly alarming and not exactly comedian timing, I think that is unnecessary to point that out, self-aware but not state the obvious why he doesnā€™t want to include to point out everything else other than he quoted three same things.

Wazza Read

ā€œOh my god, why wasnā€™t I pinged?ā€

NAI opening and he wasted time on replying this, instead of making reads, is he having a urge to speak in the beginning? To what end?



Everyone Else who I havenā€™t seen much from.



Never mind, this is pretty informative, well still kind of not feeling too villagery from Wazza. At worst he may be next convert or is randed non-town

Amelia Read

"Hey guys

Can we not replace out excessively

Or use grand trial D2

Or have a perfect scum win

Thanks in advance :^)"

glhf post, pretty NAI

"Youā€™ve got it all wrong

ATN is both groupscum and neutral
Gorta is other groupscum
Centuries is nk"

NAI again and not up to speed.

Appelsiini Read

"And the timezones continue to be against me

Hello everyone"

And this is the only person not meeting the criteria of first ten posts, instead, the rest of her posts will indicate thatā€™s she is looking to progress in the meantime[/details]

Sighā€¦i cant get it right to make it shorter

Or it was too big

wow that took a long time

prob going to bed in a bit cause im tired as hell since anni ate my sleep schedule

i vibe with it


85% villager read on chloe because wolf!chloe would almost always write this differently

soulreading this post as a villager or a neutral

highlight the text
click the gear image
and then ā€œhide detailsā€ image



dont yeet vulgard while im asleep, gn


Flavored Flavorers Count
PsychoKang Wazza, PKR 2/9
Wazza Soulshade55r 1/9
Soulshade55r Vulgard 1/9
Vulgard Katze, Arete, Chloe, an_gorta_pratai 4/9
Not Voting Everyone else BANANA

I should be going to bed soon

Okay, so first things first.

@Soulshade55r You took issue with my progression, but really, there isnā€™t much to talk about it. I think your start was weird, but towny. Then you started to drop, because you continued to do nothing of value until the end of the day. And today, your play is justā€¦ anti-town.

I have no idea if you would do this as scum. From my experience with scum!you, you donā€™t do borderline-openwolfy stuff. That said, itā€™s not good, and I could be getting bamboozled, so Iā€™m voting you for now.

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m sold on the PsychoKang thing unless PKR is really sure that their check condemns him. Would be nice to get an actual response from PK there.

Okay, yā€™all can stop meming now, Iā€™m town.

Calculus/Appel/AT/Amelia/Soul are people who I have reservations about. Maybe add Italy to the mix, but Iā€™m leaning town on him.
Allies people said that gorta was towny in Allies, but Iā€™ve heard it said about a wolf king before, so Iā€™m not trusting that until I see for myself.

Wazza is a slightly odd case. I donā€™t think he responds to my push the way he did as scum, so Iā€™m not pushing him anymore. That said, would be nice if he just outed his info on me straight up. I donā€™t like FPSes which drag too long.

im voicing my concerns over the vulgard wagon seeing how I already kind of disapproved of the wagon in allies

(yeah i put him rather low in my reads but like yeah i dunno)

@an_gorta_pratai Youā€™re asking me to ā€œdo towny things.ā€ What do you mean, exactly? Push wolves?

I donā€™t like how all my wolves are among the lowposters. I think the active players have generally been towny, although Iā€™m still a bit paranoid about kat being a neut (possibly NK again?). Weā€™ve possibly all been villagers going after each other, though I donā€™t want to declare it too soon.

I need to get a better grip on this game, and by that I mean, read more posts from my wolf group. Iā€™m kinda leaning town on Appel now, because I think she cares more about writing towny posts as wolf, if that makes sense? She tries harder to sound towny, not seeing that here.

ā€¦Well, thatā€™s a broken promise right there.

At least she has actually given reads this game, which is a step up from her recent games.

Type of response feels towny (antagonistic), tone feels wolfy (I remember scum Amelia being very haughty).

Probably a bad look depending on PKā€™s flip.

Iā€™m torn. I feel like sheā€™s both improved and degraded in comparison to the last towngame I saw from her. She has actually given reads, but her tone is meh and consistent with her wolf tone when she wasnā€™t in the best mental state (no offense, obviously). Also, barely anyone is talking about her, which could be a coincidence, but also a bad sign.

I wish there was a bounty on her, since that could help remove her from PoE one way or another.