[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


Oh and @Calculus

I did wallposts in Vanilla Nightless and DGADT. I was town in both of them.
The biggest problem is that I already indirectly explained it beforehand; the pace of the thread was too fast for me at that moment, so I decided to focus on a selected few and analyze them on my own while others were discussing

Iā€™ll look into PKRā€™s posts in a few hours, certainly before EoD anyway.

You casually ignored the fact I was open to PKR waiting for PK to respond a few posts later.

Kinda hard not to do things solo when people cast votes on me for no reason instead of finding the wolves.

Iā€™ll read into Appelā€™s wall just now when I get home.

Responding a few posts later ainā€™t helpful.

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why do you think the votes on you are meme votes and not serious votes

Well Iā€™m back, just doing what I have to do.

Any change?

I still think Calculus is a wolf as he hasnā€™t made anything unique about himself from my POV. I still conflicted with Vulgard (Nothing looks scummy or towny), Amelia(nothing looks towny but I did scumread her in fol28), and Soul(no information presented).


There is a talk about allies and while I think TBE/Frost should go into allies, Kat/Arete may be better

Regarding Vulgard soloposts

They arenā€™t meming, they just said you werenā€™t posting towny things.

You said so much about how weird my posts are during Fol28. I guess you finally got fed up with it. As for my activity, I found nothing to talk about, every conversation was discussed afterwards and I didnā€™t really found anything interesting to talk about.

As for Frost, he still going on with his 1-10 post and his giant wallposts feels a bit more towny because of his analysis.

I have finished with the Day 1 first posts, I screwed up with the hidden details.

Apparently thereā€™s a limit of how many characters can fit in here

I ask for towny things because if you are town and donā€™t do towny things then we lose a member of the town and are 1 step closer to parity with scum

Could you explain your Amelia read? I havenā€™t really focused on her, and they havenā€™t done anything memorable.


What I can do next is compare Day 1 and Day 2, to find a change of mood that does not match with the first posts of Day 1.

Being a low poster, I donā€™t really have much info to share but within the posts more than half of them are fluff and the rest are reference to other games (the only thing that stops me from scumreading her) or her empty explanation about her reads

also do you think youā€™ve been villagery this game

serious question

Because none of them are justified at all. Itā€™s just ā€œheā€™s not a villager.ā€ I know Iā€™m a villager, but I donā€™t even think most of you are wolves, so Iā€™m just ???ing and trying to rationalize it somehow.

Yes, especially now. Mightā€™ve had a slow start, but yeah. I donā€™t think I did anything I wouldnā€™t do as a villager, but would as a wolf.
I donā€™t see the problem you guys are seeing. At the same time, I donā€™t think Iā€™m being pushed by wolves, which is why Iā€™m not yelling about it.

This read is all over the place when you break down your alignment-related opinions. Do you scumread her or do you not?

why do you think this is

i feel like unanimously your posts are kind of lackluster for your standards

if this is a result of you sandbagging your town game like ive been recommending you do for a while now, then fuck

i mean especially after anniversary where i thought you were a villager after likeā€¦ 3 posts you made, and you kept churning out obviously town!vulgard posts, and im pretty sure arete had the exact same impression of you there! and then you flipped 3p and i felt dumb

ill concede that your posting today has been Gooderā„¢ļø

but iā€™m not convinced yet /shrug

Also, very high percentage of orange stuff. Orange stuff is basically commentary that doesnā€™t show what you think about alignment / actions. Itā€™s the majority of your read.
Youā€™re failing to form an opinion despite reading Chloeā€™s entire ISO, and itā€™s a problem.

Like, the conclusion makes sense percentage-wise (mostly orange, some green, but more red than green), but it feels like you had a lot of trouble getting there.