[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


is this ‘they haven’t done anything pulling you either way’ or ‘they’ve done things pulling you in both ways’

In how many hours is day end

That is to say: If I go to bed in an hour, how many hours of sleep do I sacrifice knowing I’m awake at 6pm anyway :sunglasses:

EoD is in 9 and a bit hours

Cool no amount of sleep will be sacrified


Tone seems pure, but reads are very odd. Focused exclusively on finding wolves without finding any town.
Kinda neut indicative, maybe?


I have a specific thing I want you to do (if you’re willing, obviously you don’t have to)

if you are town here I think it might help me find you as such

in order to tell you what it is I need you to give me the name of someone you’re feeling conflicted on and haven’t already discussed a lot

Gorta is someone I feel conflicted on who I also haven’t discussed a lot. I feel like they’ve been taking a back seat in regards to this game.

I wish I could go outside, but it’s raining. Guess I’m stuck here then.

Homestuck, thread 1 - 70~ posts until converted midway D2
Short Fuse V - 136 posts, starting scum (game ended D1)
Airlock - 210~ posts, town (game ended D6)

My postcount is a mystery in itself.

that’s, like, the one player that you unequivocally don’t have TMI on


can you like … make a stream of consciousness post about Gorta, if that makes sense? not like an ‘I am Vul writing a carefully constructed post to explain my read’ post, which is the vibe I’m getting from a lot of your posts, but like an ‘I am Vul writing down my thoughts on that slot as they come into my head’ sort of post

I’m probably explaining that badly

you don’t have to if you don’t want to


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I should probably go to sleep, like I said I would an hour ago

I’ll be back for EoD, please please don’t hammer anyone (and in particular don’t hammer Vul) until I have the chance to come back and look at his posts

I thought the scumlean explained it already, but judging purely by Chloe’s D1 behavior, I think it’s more likely to be scum AI. Chloe’s interactions with AT & PK started out fine, but it later turned fishy when I started to see possible agenta-pushing. It doesn’t mean I’m going to immediately go “Chloe is a WOLF” and cherry pick my points to make it seem like that, but instead I’m just giving my thoughts on her slot. She has villagery posts, she has wolfy posts, and the overall conclusion is that she’s a scumlean because the wolfy things she does override the villagery things she does.

With that said, I'm actually surprised by Chloe's response. I'd have expected her to try to put it down, but the fact that she actually agrees with my points is... a thing.

Please do.

I actually thought that was a joke because it felt so random and out of place. Alright.

…I wanted to join the discussion after that post but it seems like there is no discussion anymore. Guess I’ll ramble more about my reads.

To all of you who wanted me to have less hedgy reads, I took a look at PKR’s posts at some point and I still think they’re a wolf.

The progression here makes no sense and contradicts their read on other players.

Not being stubborn isn’t something that should clear people. Town can be stubborn and I don’t see how wolves can’t say something like Calc did here.

Thought process makes no sense, once again. They say they think AT is trying to convince Leaf they’re town by ‘acting kindly’, but why is their first assumption that this is a town pocketing Leaf when this is usually a wolf tell? This feels like TMI.

I believe this is the RT part, but the way it’s executed is ???
PKR calls PK/Wazza groupscum, PK questions it. PKR says PK is overreacting and shades them.

The worst part is that this is just the first 50 posts or so. I can’t understand their logic in the slightest, their progression is just…weird? Tone-wise I can’t see how PK’s reaction was scummy, because Ryan’s read doesn’t seem believable in the first place. Then there’s also this:

They know Wazza has a half-red on Vul.
They ask Vul if they should claim.
They claim, and blame it on him.

I hear rumbling and I’m not sure if it’s a thunder or our washing machine

Something I feel like is worth tackling is the whole Vul/Wazza thing, so I’ll move on to that. If someone wants to discuss/ask something, that would be also nice.

Gorta has more posts than I remember.

For better or worse, this looks V.

This reminds me of what Jane did as GK recently in response to a trick question presented by Alice. GK. Jane was town.

I like the fact some of their first posts directly engage in the discussion already. Feeling good so far.

I feel like their early posts are very natural when re-reading. I don’t think anything is stilted.

This isn’t much, and might seem small, but I like the tone he’s using. In general, I’m liking this ISO so far, more than I remember.

The only thing I dislike is that gorta’s actively avoiding making reads, which is weird for someone who operates on gut. Shouldn’t he have several reads by now? Even leans.

Doesn’t commit to anything, either. Talks to people without committing. Here’s when things get worse.

I saw no reads before that point.

There is this constant paranoia that makes me lean town, but could come from a wolf who doesn’t want to commit. Could go either way, I think.

Okay, this is way better, actually committing here. I like how rapid-fire those are. Again, feels natural.

By the way, it’s not relevant anymore.

Incredibly natural progression, actually. Didn’t notice that without ISO diving.

For a moment I was like “I don’t think gorta hard hedges on someone like this as scum and then nightkills them,” but then I went “it could be a NK kill” and “gorta can’t even be groupscum.” :upside_down_face:

There is consistent and incredible engagement throughout day 1. I’m surprised I had doubts about this slot. I don’t know if gorta ever played town like this before, but this is the most engaged and progression-heavy I have ever seen him.

This is town, I’m not reading any further. And he can’t be converted, so that’s great.

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@Arete See above.

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Can you elaborate on that?