[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Please do not copy paste or pretend to copy paste anything from private chats. Paraphrasing only.


Thatā€™s some deafening silence for half a minute

Stop trying to Angleshoot/Get people to quote from Private DM

Thats a warning

I can vouch that Amelia is telling the truth.

Never mind, itā€™s lag >_>

amelia i literally put you in my list of ā€œprobably not princeā€ because i was angry that you might get yourself vigged with your low postcount if you were

i am currently mad still

Is this where I continue the ā€œIā€™m not a dry personā€-argument from Vanilla Nightless and RM4?


Something Kat said described perfectly how I felt about Vul D1. I canā€™t find it, but it was something along the lines of ā€œWe can usually figure out Vulā€™s alignment within 3 posts, heā€™s either obvtown or not. Here heā€™s not being obtown.ā€

Something Iā€™ve noticed is that when Vul usually posts, he focuses A LOT on his thought process, but on D1 it wasnā€™t as apparent. Itā€™s not like he didnā€™t explain his thought process at all, but some posts were kinda lacking. Not to mention they scumread Leafia. However, they seem to start focusing more on their thought process D2, as seen below;

Focusing on his reads alone, I think the ā€œscumreading low-posters and then speaking up about itā€ is usually a towny thing to do. He pressured me when I put out my Chloe read, but ironically didnā€™t seem to draw a definite conclusion from that which isā€¦ not something Iā€™d expect? I have plenty of AI content and I donā€™t feel like I need to have 100 posts for him to read me.

Also I donā€™t have time for this wtf

i have to stay up 13 more minutes hnnng

Has the VC changed

@Appelsiini did you bleed PKR

Thing is, itā€™s allowed in ToL, so I didnā€™t know it wasnā€™t here. Iā€™m sorry.

okay but you should probably explain your response to a fake check first

Why is this relevant?

im here for literally the last 4 minutes. which is a suprise
i guess weā€™re yeeting amelia?
/vote Amelia
im only doing this because i just dont want it to be tied and thus no lynch


But why

Why not for hours before

amelia claimed prince

this is a gamer moment

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Do not


sheā€™s a Prince claim

wait they claimed pirnce
i am a boomer


@Chloe OwO?

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