[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them not leave logs as town.

i feel like Arete basically always has logs though

which is a big reason why i think its fake

but most people know this so i feel like they’d just write fake logs?

Unless this is a repeat of RM4 and I’m doing the thing kat did to my flip there (“there’s a typo in vulgard’s logs, does he make typos? is the flip real?”).


So Arete was likely scum or a poss, that was bypassed

You know

What are the odds of frost being possed by Arete

theres some posts in allies where arete was saying how they thought i was a neut (specifically merc) and that i was doing a few things that were > rand W

but they never actually brought it up again

Immediate takeaway is that Centuries is more than capable of highposting as a wolf.

And his posts can be quite good.
I kinda think him being underwhelming is >rand V but I feel like it’s more WiM-dependent?

Close to none.
Frost was not very townie, I doubt Arete gets rid of a mislynch potentially.

I kinda disagree?

Frost was mostly agreed to be town

but you were mostly focused on Appels bleed on PKR and PKs bleed on Amelia

you never mentioned the unclaimed bleed on TBE

frosts scummeta is to not exist and they existed a fair bit

i think their logs are real

Eh, really?
If so then I totally missed that

What I meant

Was frost is a different BD but had their flip + logs changed by arete

I feel like Frost is exactly the type of kill NK makes? Someone who’s generally agreed to be town but won’t get yeeted by groupscum.

Fair enough I guess.
Since multiple people agree I will back down on that.
Must just be me.

me and arete on frost in allies (paraphrased and going by memory)

katze: frost… they’re posting so theyre probably town
arete: yep
arete: i feel like i should have more to say than just “yup” but thats just where im at

there’s some posts that feel like arete isn’t concerned about dying at night

but i think i’d never actually think this if they hadn’t flipped NK

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Centuries feels more invested as scum in Homestuck. Like, actively presenting opinions and shifting thread direction.
They haven’t really done that here. Doesn’t feel like his MO.

Literally me with reading their ISO now.

So so far we have established…

  1. We HAVE a fool. Who it is, is not confirmed. As AT could be telling the truth depending on Fools N1 frame.
  2. Arete retrospectively had some posts which seem like they do come from a NK, so people are gradually accepting the likelihood that the flip is legit.
  3. Since Arete IS poss in our minds now, there must be some way that immunities were bypassed on them. But from my pov since Vul is telling the truth, we need to look for neutrals, kings and cult who can do such a feat. Or some other way Arete could have died.

I recommend that we keep the Vul and Katze thing in mind but do not concentrate on it immediately now. We have established Katze could have been framed so finding out these other steps could be vital.

my homestuck is gamer me pushing buttons ggs me

sadly i dont have wim 24/7

both sides of vulgard vs katze kinda pinged me

dunno what to make out of it

Appel kinda lowposting

Maybe Appel town actually through content