[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Do you have anything to share now

No need for it to be a wall

i die tonight so ill just organize it there

cent posting again and it looks good

kat/vul both are towny

thoughts wondering

calc not posting

soul needs a look over in the wall

@Geyde @Blizer @Marshal

VC, please. :heart:

PKR/appel is wack but I dont have time and im dipping

Since you liked it, I assume you do agree.
So I will continue.

My thoughts this game have been split into a few things.

  1. Reaction tests
  2. Softing my claim
  3. Reevaluating based off the most pressing issues at the time

I know I have not yet really reevaluated your slot and I have blown up, but if I am being honest that is mostly because I have gotten frustrated. Idk whether I genuinely read you as town or scum or what atm


im still pretty sure that mechanics wise, Appel is almost always a Hunter

even if her argument right now is a bit :eyes: itā€™s also mildly suicidal and illogical for a wolf to push a yeet on the nerd that bleeds out tonight

I have 0 doubt that Chloeā€™s logs are real and theyā€™re K/O, so theyā€™re never a CL

(Okay, Transfer Essence exists, but Iā€™ve already explained why Iā€™m pretty sure Cult has no acolytes)

In worlds where the Cult strongmanned last night then scum!Soul can only be exactly a Seeker/Apostle

figuring out whether or not they strongmnaned feels important because Iā€™m still not fully convinced Arete was actually NK

proof of this, for you Appel is where I kept thinking about what people were saying about pk and exactly what I disliked about it.
Then today with the Katze and Vul thing. Despite me having a red check, I had to analyse the possibility of it being a frame. And if it is a frame, what it means.

A (this time complete) ISO on Vulgard

The way heā€™s handling AT & Leafia in 1st/3rd/4th quoted posts donā€™t seem like someone whoā€™s pushing agenta, as Leafiaā€™s first towngame where their meta really got defined was in Homestuck. Vul wasnā€™t there, so for all he knows, this is Leafia in their scum meta.

All in all, Vulā€™s D1 started out okay-ish, it wasnā€™t ObvTownVulā„¢ but there wasnā€™t anything I actively found scummy either. I did take notice of how some of his posts were lacking in terms of explaining the thought process behind his reads, but he has picked up a lot in regards to this and it was still present during D1.

I still donā€™t like how they didnā€™t really draw a conclusion after pressuring me, to be honest, since I did have content at that point.

This is in response to Kat faking a redcheck on him. Iā€™m not a fan of AtE, but he seems like a genuinely angry villager here.

Him pushing Amelia is a big m e h in hindsight, but it is true Amelia didnā€™t really do much so I can see this coming from both sides. Doing preflip reads while knowing the other is town is not something I think scum would do, because that would just be a waste of time and making Soul look better here.

If they were a wolf, Iā€™d believe they would hop on the wagon that was on me unless they wanted to get towncred. In any case, this does look good for him.

Defends PK during EoD

Overall, I don't see him pushing agenta and he has a decent thought process... which is actually problematic if I hold onto my belief that PKR and Vul are not T/W. Independently I think Vul is towny, save for one thing;

@Vulgard Why would you check PKR if you thought he is ā€˜so pureā€™? This makes no sense and is a clear contradiction.

Also didnā€™t mean to respond to you PKR, bleh.

Iā€™ll go check that out.

I think I know this answer.
But I will let Vul answer it.
Vulā€™s claim would say enough when I think what he might be thinking from his PoV.

Wait, actually, I think Vul literally already said this.

He did? Could you quote it?

I am checking rn.

@Appelsiini it seems I remembered correctly.
It was because of ATs flip

Ah, thatā€™s fair enough. Then I donā€™t really have reservations about him.

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@PokemonKidRyan are you involved in any like

green checks stufff
i just woke up after having slept 4hours so like sorry if u said it earlier im just rly tired

Green checked by Vul, paladin.