[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

i cannot answer this question :eyes:

If Gorta is EK then game is very likely over anyway.
All that he would need to do would be to know one team member, have them state the other cult and exe Amelia.

Also if Fool is still alive, then there would only need be 3 cult members to activate this.

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Okay, gamer.
Well, the streak of me not believing any of katzeā€™s claims should continue.

I think that if Gorta is DK, he just puts Amelia on Grand Trial and wolves out themselves to hammer. If he doesnā€™t do that, heā€™s GK.

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this is around where i trueclaimed in allies chat

Thereā€™s a slim chance Frost was a wolf and Arete fakeflipped him as town, but I think Frost was solidly in town meta.

Thereā€™s also a gamer:tm: chance they failed conversion last night.
Iā€™m saying gamer:tm: too much because of kat, help.

Oh, right, :tm: doesnā€™t seem to work here, :tm:.


This does make sense I guess.
Well, it would be nice for the King to reveal themselves.
If they are scum then they likely have won anyway as I doubt scum have failed to convert at all.
There is already suspicion on King being evil, so Shrug

Well, either town thinks I am EK/DK or vice versa because I am bleeding

I let you go on with it because why not


ā€¦Despite all the mech stuff I was trying to think through, this actually never went through my mind. Mech things are too much for me, help

Eyes Appel
Was this you?


look at the first 3 words of #126

Hunter canā€™t bleed king so

ā€¦Did that bleed come from town? When?

Oh, wait, yeah.

Soā€¦ I am saying I do not think Appel is town.

I need to organize my thoughts instead of spamposting.
