[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

The moment people stopped trying to bury me was the moment I stopped caring about what I posted.

I wasnā€™t paying attention lmao.

Nah, you did fine and your case on Vul was great

They do, also @Vulgard who were starting cults and the converts?

this game is an embarrassment for me but at least i fucking tried


I thought the real Possesser might have killed them

But then things just made more sense if they were NK

Frostwolf wasnā€™t like top town but Arete did have a reason to kill them

I believe I think too much about what I post and thatā€™s what yā€™all find off.

lynch good players because they know how to play wolf

Please I am no Princess and if it wasnā€™t for Arete altering my logs as well, Vulgard, TheBlueElixir will be dead and I would certainly push Appelsiini


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I mean

If I were BD and my flip had been altered by e.g. a Possessor, who was making me look like a Poss

they ā€¦ probably would have altered my logs

FoL is just like no

sometimes it feels more like a puzzle than actual social deduction

so much is about it is yikes

not only ā€œcults and sk and multiple 3psā€ but how a lot of the role dynamics work

Iā€¦ do not like in all honesty


your logs felt invest-like but they didnt fully add up with a N1 wisp on Arete

i stopped considering worlds where aretes flip was fake though

would have been better if i paraphrased that case to the public
rather than just letting it exist in allies

i did a lot of dumb shit this game

Also @Jane

Why are you trying to shoot Italy as well

Ayayayayya are you outta your mind!?

You were killed because you nullread Arete :upside_down_face:

AT having results that contradicted PKR and never outing them sure wasā€¦ a thing.


I didnā€™t know how possessor even worked in fol



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Clearly we just

Fix FoL

What did you think Iā€™d say replace with marson