[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

i dont think people are hating you for not yeeting you

im mad at myself for not going through with it (especially because my reasoning for not doing so was very flawed)

but to get mad at you for playing the game would be absurd

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im not mad at Vul at all

im mad at town

there is a diff lol

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yeah a large portion of town didnā€™t try much at all

There probably needs to be a higher standard of effort on this site

vul and TBE both had 800+ posts in wolfchat and appel had over 300.

cult deserved to win as they put by far the more average effort towards winning the game.


I donā€™t feel particularly hated or anything, I just see everyone mentioning this all the time and I felt like addressing it. Itā€™s not like it was your fault alone, we just helped you make the wrong choice. I donā€™t think any of the villagers who played the game should be criticized very harshly for that reason.

im like mad at myself, but thats like every day

we all get mad at ourselves

yeah, but todays like, i wish i did more, not this game but like just in general on here. I dont want to say it, but i feel hella responsible

This is the reason why Iā€™m rarely super critical of villages, even if they get curbstomped. It can be really hard to village.

I felt that with kat stumbling around day 3 because barely any villagers left were playing and the yeet target was completely up in the air.

You got nothing to blame on yourself here my guy

Nothing is your fault

Everyone has different thought processes, and they all come to different conclusions.

yup, just big sad

Hey, do you feel bad about this game? I donā€™t see how anything that happened was your fault.

Not the game, but idk i just feel like pushing it to three games at one time, feels like it drove a stake in this place. And i did it on a wim, and i regret shit

I think you played very well, and I donā€™t want to discredit that (and obviously I donā€™t hate you for trying to win, what).

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I think I misspoke, I donā€™t feel hated; I just feel like the focus is a bit off because it fails to account for wolf actions. Basically, I want you guys to stop being so harsh on yourselves and each other.

I am upset at this game

I think just about everyone is lol

Thatā€™s exactly why Iā€™m upset at it

All these cool people driven to anger? Not cool, FoL29


orange people dont say this enough, but ur great


Thank u birb

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Like, okay. Improvement as town is one thing. But being overly self-critical is another. Weā€™re not in an environment where the slightest mistake can get you banned and deprive you of joy. Weā€™re playing a game, and those of us who want to be good at the game try to improve. Thatā€™s it.

That doesnā€™t mean we have to be perfectionists and dwell on every mistake we make. Just derive lessons and try to apply them. Be aware of the mistakes, but try to fix them next time instead of being frustrated with your shortcomings. They will disappear eventually, but you are making it harder by exaggerating how much of an influence they hold over you.

Okay, you didnā€™t yeet me. But you correctly wolfread me. You also correctly townread a ton of villagers. Thatā€™s something I havenā€™t seen anybody mention yet. It was genuinely difficult to push most of you for that reason, and even the ā€œLHFā€ had something going for them.

Itā€™s not like you did nothing correctly. You did make mistakes (and we took advantage of that), but you also did good things. Try to fix the mistakes, but donā€™t get fixated on them. Thatā€™s how you reach an extreme where the slightest misstep is a cause for self-hatred. Donā€™t go there, please. Iā€™ve been there. Itā€™s not a nice place.

I know Iā€™ve made a ton of mistakes this game, but I tried to ignore them while acknowledging them at the same time. Thereā€™s always another day, another time when I might not make them, another hour when I can make a conscious effort to avoid them. Thereā€™s always another game of mafia, and another day of life.

Look forward to it. If anyoneā€™s still mad about this game, donā€™t be. There will be another one, and you might smash it this time. I guarantee you, you wonā€™t make the exact same mistakes twice. If we recognize what those mistakes are, that never happens, we just fail to see it.

Life lesson :tm: from Vulgard over. This is pretty disorganized, but I had a few things to say, so might as well say them.