[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

you want a readlist

well it hasn’t changed much

PKR imo is simultaneously like, stupid for doing the random . org thing but also smart.

also, i kind of failed at skimming the posts since SoD

hmm yes I shall go take a look at those questions


idk what happened N1, but I had a feeling someone had some big brain plan which involved me being dead

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see above

vul is probably wolf.
that’s probably just me sheeping, but his posts are… weird. maybe they’re normal for him, i dont know, but his pushes are… strange.

which of his pushes are strange?

and how

well, it was based off of memory, let me take a look at his ISO.

I actually have read the game

TBE is easily my top townread. His posts are super pure and his reads feel very fleshed out compared to his scum game in BotF3 where they were pretty weak early on.

Aside from that, I also like you, Centuries and PKR.

I initially had calculus as a scum lean, but he’s gone up to a townlean.

Because calculus has gone up… I honestly have no scum reads right now.

but chloe, sorc is indigo

this post feels incredibly fake

take on vul?


Null actually.

I’m having trouble making a decision on him.

Having low motivation doesn’t help

Why do you have low motivation

scratch that
i am indeed sheeping

I don’t know, but SFoL 62 ending the way it did might be a factor in it

i really dont like your slot
in the slightest

for someone who hasnt posted nearly anything game-related, I expected more when you came into thread for reals. I’m underwhelmed

GTH who is scum


I haven’t got a good idea of it yet, as I have said.

I won’t magically have a scum read upon your asking.

but you said you were reading the game?

I did

I’m also pretty bad at early reads

thats not how GTH works

someone else can question you

i have an essay to write