[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

it’s more of who i am as a person; as any alignment i am carefree

my playstyle can change and has changed quite a bit but that is one consistency in it


yes please do

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where did everybody go

i was about to come and post about the same thing but you did it for me

your prize


why doesnt vulgard have more votes hes not a villager

i don’t like this prize
s t o p

Didn’t you all up PK for some sort of master plan?

i dont care about PKRs master plan because i have read that vulgard is Not A Villager™️


Flavored Flavorers Count
PsychoKang Chloe, Wazza, PKR 3/9
Wazza Soulshade55r 1/9
Soulshade55r Vulgard 1/9
Vulgard Katze, Arete 2/9
Not Voting Everyone else BANANA

why is the thread slower on D2 than it was on D1

like i know i just got done with a 120p game with 50000 posts but this is ridiculously slow even when you consider our newer standards of postcount that we’ve actually done a decent job upholding lately

i feel the opposite of boxed in

i feel locked out of the box

everybody is probably partying in the FoL29-without-katze chat :frowning:

guess ill reread what we have of D2 and hopefully someone shows up by the time im done with that

you finished reading D2 yet?

can you guys stop spamming the thread i can’t catch up at this rate

d1 readlist but now without the now deceased leafia, bless her soul

Italy - who the fuck knows you posted like twice
Chloe - gun to head shes a villager but this is not nearly as confident as it should be given soulreads and all
Amelia - i cant yeet her D1 and none of her posts are AI and shes got activity tells and shes barely posted, if this keeps up this is prob a wolf but ill give her some time
Vulgard - more like Wulgard lol
ATNoName - not really sure what to think about this slot yet tbh
PokemonKidRyan - gutread V
PsychoKang - self aware as shit which isn’t uncommon for new players (and iirc happened in sfol62) but i kinda think theyre a villager for no real reason
Arete - we’re masons so they’re town
TheBlueElixir - town
Centuries - french but im vibing with him for now
Wazza - barely has anything to go by and their priorities are weird given they seemed more focused on prioritizing what a JOAT could be in this setup as opposed to… anything else, so this is a hard null but since it’s wazza im obligated to scumread it :sunglasses:
Calculus - nerd and im opting to not read them until D2 for reasons
an_gorta_pratai :crown: - gutreading V
frostwolf103 - activity tell with 0 posts :eyes: (okay to be fair timezones are a thing)
SoulShade55r - awkward and a weeb, i dont think any of their posts are that AI
Appelsiini - i dont think theyve done anything AI yet

not gonna rewrite every single person but ill try to note any drastic changes


Amelia - >rand W for meta reasons
Chloe - probably a villager? im not 100% on this yet and usually i am by now
Vulgard - usually you can tell vulgards alignment from a wallpost and #997 still does not seem written by a villager, although its gooder than D1? some posts here are reminiscent of their old wolf meta which doesn’t fully apply here but is still very notable given THEY ARE STILL NOT VILLAGERY AT ALL
Arete - still masons with arete btw
TBE - still pretty sure this is a villager
Wazza - im going back to “wazza is always wolfy” because what the fuck is he even doing? i half TWTBAW read this slot and half “their actions don’t make sense from a villager perspective so they’re a wolf” read them
Calculus - >rand V for reasons (also a nerd)
Soul - i don’t like the way in which soul is playing this game and i can’t tell if its AI??? like it feels like a ToL player but i know soul has played some FM and was less like this so idk :upside_down:
Appel - i need to see more but you’re fairly underwhelming

oh that joke was funnier when nobody had posted

hi wazza

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if amelia keeps up with this pace she should prob get resolved by non-Prince town KP

vulgard is… still just not a villager

idk what you’re doing this game wazza but i dont like it


I don’t like it either,

that’s why I backed away from it lol.


vulgard/amelia groupscum
wazza neut

game solved gg

I ain’t neut.

Wich I was, but I ain’t.

good job on solving

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It’s funny since I agree on the Vulgard part.

Why are you awake?

Also, I still feel like Chloe is scum.

its ONLY 4:27 am