[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

It’s not our fault PK wants to hardclaim as a way to clear himself

im not working on full steam rn; I didnt realize ‘summer camp’ meant ‘school+’

Italy said something relating to the game

wouldnt scum be more ‘yes, this reaction is town’ to other scum

i dont get it

actually the only one there that is actually anti-claim is mindstorm

reaper can bypass protection and demon can kill visitors (and i think also strongman i forget)

well that’s besides the point.

but like, “hardcounter” is the wrong word

that is all because this conversation is irrelevant

i assure you
it is a correct word

This is not anticlaim though.
It just means, give it a good enough target and they are gone.

This just means it has good kill power and so we would have to be cautious of visits to bleeding players for example.

imagine if prince claimed, and then got empower reaped
or all the protectives died because demon used haemophilia

if it makes you feel better

i planted the seeds before wazza did

and then forgot he even did it

thats not anticlaim thats “3/5 NKs can eat an open claimed prince alive and theres nothing you can do about it”

Back to this topic, PK’s Iso shows him caring too much to be SS

Hes also too passive to be Hunter/Archer

What do you think?

i’m intentionally ignoring the fact that they wouldn’t ever use gather darkness or haemophilia on something like a chronomancer so that people won’t claim

i dont think either of these are accurate reasons to say PK is not X class


openly figuring out what specific K/O class PK is is… something i wish you guys would just stop doing? :upside_down_face:


I mean, that is a fair guess.
If it is SS, I think it will be easy to work out.

if you want me to hardclaim, state it.

like trying to figure out what class I am, meanwhile also not telling me to hardclaim
kinda weird bro

I mean what else are we gonna do? Vote Vulgard till L-1

i dont see how those two sentences are correlated at all

but uh

i don’t know if putting any more pressure on vulgard is gonna get us anywhere although atm i have absolutely nothing against yeeting him today

but im definitely focusing too much on just him

oh btw @arete did you want to be in allies tonight, i think gorta asked if we were both okay with it and i vibe with it

I’m fine with that

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how about

everyone stops limiting Prince PoE



@an_gorta_pratai makin sure you see this

im chill with a katze/arete allies chat

as long as Centuries never touches another allies chat, im happy