[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

I should be going to bed soon

Okay, so first things first.

@Soulshade55r You took issue with my progression, but really, there isn’t much to talk about it. I think your start was weird, but towny. Then you started to drop, because you continued to do nothing of value until the end of the day. And today, your play is just… anti-town.

I have no idea if you would do this as scum. From my experience with scum!you, you don’t do borderline-openwolfy stuff. That said, it’s not good, and I could be getting bamboozled, so I’m voting you for now.

I’m not sure if I’m sold on the PsychoKang thing unless PKR is really sure that their check condemns him. Would be nice to get an actual response from PK there.

Okay, y’all can stop meming now, I’m town.

Calculus/Appel/AT/Amelia/Soul are people who I have reservations about. Maybe add Italy to the mix, but I’m leaning town on him.
Allies people said that gorta was towny in Allies, but I’ve heard it said about a wolf king before, so I’m not trusting that until I see for myself.

Wazza is a slightly odd case. I don’t think he responds to my push the way he did as scum, so I’m not pushing him anymore. That said, would be nice if he just outed his info on me straight up. I don’t like FPSes which drag too long.

im voicing my concerns over the vulgard wagon seeing how I already kind of disapproved of the wagon in allies

(yeah i put him rather low in my reads but like yeah i dunno)

@an_gorta_pratai You’re asking me to “do towny things.” What do you mean, exactly? Push wolves?

I don’t like how all my wolves are among the lowposters. I think the active players have generally been towny, although I’m still a bit paranoid about kat being a neut (possibly NK again?). We’ve possibly all been villagers going after each other, though I don’t want to declare it too soon.

I need to get a better grip on this game, and by that I mean, read more posts from my wolf group. I’m kinda leaning town on Appel now, because I think she cares more about writing towny posts as wolf, if that makes sense? She tries harder to sound towny, not seeing that here.

…Well, that’s a broken promise right there.

At least she has actually given reads this game, which is a step up from her recent games.

Type of response feels towny (antagonistic), tone feels wolfy (I remember scum Amelia being very haughty).

Probably a bad look depending on PK’s flip.

I’m torn. I feel like she’s both improved and degraded in comparison to the last towngame I saw from her. She has actually given reads, but her tone is meh and consistent with her wolf tone when she wasn’t in the best mental state (no offense, obviously). Also, barely anyone is talking about her, which could be a coincidence, but also a bad sign.

I wish there was a bounty on her, since that could help remove her from PoE one way or another.

I meant “possibly.”

Italy has no game-relevant posts d1, but most of his d2 posts have been game-relevant, which is a decent look. Don’t think he’s super engaged, but he’s at least somewhat engaged. Lean town for that reason.

Really thin read, though, so if he doesn’t do more, he’s back to null.

This post especially makes me lean him town because of the antagonism. I don’t think I’ve ever seen wolf Italy directly call someone a dumbass before. Would be quite bold of him, I think, unless someone can quote an example where he did that before.

I’ll be honest about Calculus straight up, the only two reasons I have reservations are: the fact he doesn’t have townreads and the fact he was jailed n1 with no second nightkill. The second thing means a lot less if it’s a Cult game, but otherwise, it’s a problem.

A part of me thinks that if he were scum, he’d at least try to have some townreads.

Also, pure tone. I think town overall unless it’s not a Cult game.

AT’s posts are just completely bizarre and I don’t like the fact they are kinda just existing without doing anything of note. Would like to see them put themselves out there a bit more.

/vote ATNoName

Or if you don’t, that’s fine too. That means you’re a frozen wolf who doesn’t care about solving the game, and you can eat rope. Nom.

@Soulshade55r What is your plan for this game? I’m not counting that “strategy” thing you posted earlier as a legitimate plan.

I would be all over that post if not for the fact Leafia flipped town. Not sure if Appel makes that kill? Maybe. Could be a way to remove someone you are hedging on.

You should definitely explain this, I initially missed this. I have no idea what “agenda” you’re talking about. Chloe has been really pure this game so far, and I don’t really sense a tone shift consistent with being converted.

Don’t like the fact she hasn’t voted anyone all game.

Some bizarre reads in here. Not scum indicative (she was misyeeted on that basis recently, as far as I recall), but suspicious when unexplained. I didn’t like Wazza’s read on Chloe whatsoever, since it seemed to be in bad faith; I don’t like this one either, though it’s less polished.

Below reads apply “unless converted.”

VVV: Arete, Centuries, Chloe, PokemonKidRyan (tone and behavior very consistent with his grandiose playstyle as town)
VV: Frostwolf103 (has written posts where he genuinely cares about the game), TBE
V: Italy, Wazza (don’t think he responds to my push the way he did as groupscum, really, and as neut it would be more bizarre I think)
W: Amelia (coasting and slightly wolfy tone), an_gorta_pratai (not really seeing how he’s towny unless Allies people have a solid case), Appelsiini (some super bizarre reads and lack of commitment to voting), PsychoKang (only here because of PKR’s unexplained check)
WW: ATNoName (getting coasting wolf vibes; with how I’m townreading so many of the high posters / stronger players, wolves might be doing exactly that), Soulshade55r (bizarre anti-town play, I keep flip-flopping on which perspective it makes sense from, but given the gamestate, it could just be Soul scum)

Neut read: katze

IT’S 4:20 MY TIME.



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As usual, when I’m actually around to discuss stuff, no one else is. Sigh.

Wagon AT with me instead of keeping meme votes on me. I’m tired of people treating my slot as dead in the water when I’m trying to solve the game. Move your votes off a villager and listen to me for once instead of just ignoring me. That’s how town lost BfA.

The gamestate feels like wolves among the “weaker” players, considering I’ve read most of the active posters as villagers. I’m townreading most of the active posters, I don’t think I’m misclearing anyone that way. PK might be a wolf, honestly, I’m waiting for PKR to clarify his check or whatever the hell he has. I’m voting AT because he shows signs of coasting and after I interacted with him (briefly), he just stopped responding. I feel like he’s a bit frozen and that’s why his posts are so weird. He doesn’t know what to do in the thread, and feeling unwelcome in the thread is wolf indicative for newbies.

There’s maybe a possible convert among the higher posters (that’s what I would do as a wolf who’s kinda coasting), but convert hunting at this stage feels pointless.

It can be still unseen game I think since one attack is either occupied, healed or Knight defended someone succesfully but NK was on knight’s target and not got killed.

I may have something to do with that.

Does this mean you are claiming?

Should I just outright claim?
I am willing to but like why has nobody understood my claim?

You need to take another stab at these things guys. You are killing me… and I am not being offensive here I hope.

We are never going to make any progress on PK without you fullclaiming, I’m afraid. You kinda put yourself in a corner by claiming that it was solely a mechanical check. If you “scumread” PK instead, we probably wouldn’t be in this spot.

It is what it is.

TL;DR Yes, please. Unless you think you can get better responses from PK without saying what the “check” is.

Have you gleaned anything from his reactions?

how have I been anti town?

Good morningnoon btw

Legit confused how I’ve been acting “scummy” but go on.

I think I’ve missed parts of the game in general has made me confused I need to go back (I’m just lazy, but I also want to try at the same time).