[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Okay, that one obviously came from wolves. I think you’ve been too pure to misyeet at this point.

To get a misyeet, but I guess it’d fit groupscum more than Scorned.
Yeah, the Scorned thing doesn’t really make sense based on what Arete told me, I just got frustrated over getting relentlessly tunneled with barely any evaluation of anyone else.

I’m surprised nobody checked kat this game, actually.

…Why am I reading this AT/Soul interaction as wolf distancing? It feels so abrupt.

ok, not everything has to be reason

iirc TBE is bled

why would an invest waste their time on me when i was one of the only people making AI posts on D1

If you’ve literally been in any game with me you know I don’t like “gutreads” nor do I make reads just to seem good or to suckup to someone.

Vulgard want Amelia to do more actual things than she did previously, is that what I am confused about Vulgard’s vote although no pressure? Not risking to push a low poster as wolf with no risk? I wonder if that’s what Vulgard want to convince us that wolves are focusing on active players more than inactive players because they are themselves inactive? Boy I hope he’s not considering too much on that.

Because nobody knows how to read you? Maybe minus Chloe.
I’ve been talking about you for 50% of this day phase at least (because you tunneled me) and people still seem unable to give me anything meaningful to work with regarding your alignment. I think you’re scum, nobody seems to fully agree, but nobody is calling you town, either.

Sure sometimes it’s good to make random pushes to get content or actual idea from someone, but in general making a read on someone for “gut” feeling instead of content they posted makes no sense to me.

what’s hilarious is that despite being hard to read I don’t think I’ve ever actually been targeted by an invest ability in any FM game I’ve ever played

except maybe cop9/13 turbos

and I’ll admit that my view of the game is embarrassingly narrow because when I see someone I am convinced is a wolf I push that until someone dies

Arete already mentioned how I did this in FoL28

But also multiple people townread me while centuries has expressed some sort of scumlean on me

Can confirm TBE did claim bled.
But I am hoping I will be saved as I have some people I already know in my head I want to check.

and now there really nothing we could make you town for.

I literally just woke up
And im
So incredibly tired hnnng

Do you think groupscum kat would tunnel you this hard and be practically outted if you flip V? (Same w Arete kinda cuz lolsoulread)

Kat is groupscum here only if they are groupscum with you fmpov

srry misclick.

because I don’t know how to respond to this

Excuse me…
Was that you?

And if so did you really “misclick”?

no I was joking.

One time a Hunter bled the Prince in my game and said it was a misclick.

I haven’t forgot about that either, you wouldn’t have lived without me.

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Well, then people should stop being dumb and check the people who we generally struggle to read.
I’m secretly hoping there’s a secret green on you or something.

Oh. Erk.
Well, I am kinda surprised scum would go for me so early on.
I am disappointed too.

I am like… confirmed not prince (Unless the thing with PK was a bluff by us both)
So why did they think I am a threat?
Is it my reads?

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Did you just see me as some LHF? I hate the argument of “I’m Lhf don’t push me” but in general if you are scum just by my behaviour and how I have been acting I’m guessing you know you could make a good case to lynch me.

I guess this is OMGUSING or whatever, but I gave my actual reasoning behind my reads and it’s right that I should be pushed to do more because I’ve been lacking in general though I find it harder to read players (Which in general can make me “useless”), I also dislike calling someone scum for the sake of calling them scum.