[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

I also remember that she had some really haughty responses to pressure in Poisonous, which I didn’t see in her town games at all.

I’ll go pull up the quotes for comparison.

i thought that got changed

or was that just merc?


unhappy mrrrring

bold of you to assume i have enough brain cells to soft like that as anything

I disagree

but also

I am very content with the state of wagons rn

we have 30min?

going to find me a wagon

if its possible to have less than 0 brainpower
that is me currently

so i will be mostly communicating via likes
unless i have something important to say

but like
i think ive said all my thoughts

i think we yeet vul still
i feel really bad about this because i love him and i have a hard time separating game from reality
i think its the best course of action
especially so a counterwagon can be yoinked by prince
i dont think the fact that ive had bad thoughts about the slot all day should be negated because hes said a few good things lately

it’s a change that gets proposed a lot but I just checked the class cards thread and it only has a flame, which I think is CI

surely if i out a redcheck 30 minutes before EoD people will be convinced it is real

@appelsiini is a member of the not blue dragon

this is not a reaction test

defend yourself wolf

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Hi there, I am going to say it was impossible to miss. Well you can’t blame me for trying to poke you.

I was writing my thoughts about Vul, but woah. Alright.

Now I wish I would’ve focused on your slot more, because I am indeed a member of the blue dragon. Why did you decide to check me?

because 30 minutes before EoD i decided “hey i have a redcheck on somebody” and picked your name out of the list of players who are In Thread™️ who i also independently don’t TR

I feel like Appel not catching that your were memeing probably means … something?

*you were

Excuse my language but what the fuck is this reaction O.o

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You going to slank again, eh ok.

What would have been the right reaction putting yourself in that situation

…I was about to scold Kat for admitting it was an RT that quickly but it was a meme? This is a big bleh


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did this give you the impression that the check was real


calc has the most progression on you

you said you liked it
