[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

also my claim is absolutely fucking hilarious now

/vote Vulgard

me and arete both agreed that we should have yeeted you D2

guess better late than never

I literally just yeeted a wolf day 2 (kinda), you’re not winning this.

i was planning to do this since day 1 because if incompatible then scum found and if compatible i get to bully katze for being wrong

you yeeted someone who is at worst a fool

given you’re probably a cultist given the claim that means absolutely nothing

All I am going to say is this check is going to make mine legendary.

No Paladin claims, you know.

No he’s clearly Paladin!Mastermind

1 Like

paladin isn’t guaranteed to spawn you nerd

4 BD

1 NK

presumably it was 2f1/erad night

strongmanned by…


or it was changed by fool?


I actually dont really feel like getting into the possibilities

but if AT was fool then what are the other defilers

oh right herb exists

kat/vul dome

…it might be massclaim day

Goddammit, this check is just going to make the day a 1v1 thunderdome. Can we like… discuss other stuff and then gladiate the votes between us at EoD? I don’t feel like wasting the day regardless of the outcome.

I lied about my check dying.
And the fact that Italy check lines up with mine, this is going to be full spice…

by the by uh pkr what is your check if you don’t mind showing it

did you find vulgard as cult

No… I found you as Cult.
Bit of a bold assumption you made there.



im self resolving this isn’t exactly going to work

why are we outting reds so early

this day is going to be blander then d2

I’d say just blame Italy

i don’t know what you’re talking about
this day is spicy as hell