[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

…What a way to start this ISO.

I actually hate these posts in hindsight. I don’t actually mind the fact he’s shitposting, but the way he’s doing it bothers me a lot.

Pushing that narrative is convenient when you’re someone who scumclaimed as your first post.

This is how d2 starts. …He’s just. I don’t know what he’s doing if he’s a villager. Shitposts d1, asks people to vote him d2.

I’d call him Fool (a really textbook example at that) if AT wasn’t Fool (or at least I think he was). I just don’t know what he’s doing. Blending in through shitposts as wolf? As villager… …I have no idea what the V motivation is.

I actually hate the fact he automatically assumes the check is real.

…He assumes the check is real, then says that Wazza needs to “out” it? What?

And now it’s fake?? What is this progression?

And now it might be real?

Is this an advanced version of not taking a stance, or does he have no idea what to say and says random stuff? I genuinely don’t know at this point. It feels towny because of how random it is.

Funny that you scumclaimed d1 then, but this post probably doesn’t mean anything anyway.

I hate that he’s enforcing a thunderdome. Feels liike a copout instead of exploring other possibilities. Wolfy.

This is unironically the towniest thing he has written (PKR iso).
Overall the PKR iso from him actually looks pretty good.

I’m dying.

Towny to volunteer for getting bled.

Their EoD 2 feels towny.

Can you read Gorta? Hoping you’re reading this.

I feel like I went on a rollercoaster. Soul ISO goes scummy -> scummy -> towny -> more scummy than towny. I don’t think I learned anything.

I need more engagement from him today. Today is probably a very important day for this game.

The fact he’s not enforcing the me/kat thunderdome anymore when he did enforce the Wazza/me thunderdome on day 2 probably means something, but I’m not sure what. I think it could imply association with kat if kat is wolf, but I don’t want to flip kat today, so that goes on the backburner.

Yeah, I think I need more direct reads on people. He’s been weighing in, but not really grabbing the spotlight throughout the game. Overall I’d say he’s had some distinctly towny moments, but I’m not convinced.

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I think there have been more scum pings than town pings. His towniest moments are definitely in the second half on day 2, whereas everything else is significantly worse.

@Soulshade55r Is there a way you could explain your thought process on the Wazza check day 2? That was completely wack. You assume the check is real in a few posts, then you say it’s fake in another few posts, and in the end I have no idea what you’re thinking. It’s like you’re thinking both are true at once, which can’t be the case.

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If kat is genuinely a wolf and that wasn’t a frame, I’m going to be mad, but I can’t yeet them today in good conscience. They’ve been solving, and their posts really leveled up after the checks. Too many red flags.

This feels fake, actually.

Does not try to find town at all. Also tunnels their scumreads early.

I don’t understand this method of solving the game.

No townreads, still.

Finally, and these two are particularly consensus takes.

Still very consensus aside from lolCalculus.
…Why is Calculus below Leafia when they should have TMI on themselves being town? This probably doesn’t mean anything, but it’s still weird. I think that’s because the readlist was d2, when Leafia had already flipped?

Kinda corrected it earlier.

I should note that their reads barely change at all. This:

Was many hours later than this:

Pretty much exactly the same thing. Tons of scumreads with little to no progression.

Noting that both Soul and Calculus wanted to be bled. Probably not clearing, because Cult might have Ritualist, but >rand V in a vacuum.

Oh god. Overall, this doesn’t really look good. I don’t see many reasons to call Calculus town other than loltone, and I’ve miscleared people like sulit on loltone before. Constant focus on pushing mafia with no real focus on finding/defending town, reads that don’t change, no reactions to anything, pretty much just kinda existing and doing things on their own. Voted PK and Appel at EoD2, one of which is flipped town and the other – likely town.


I’m staying here.

Oh yeah. They took Appel off the scumlist, then voted her at EoD anyway. That’s… something.
I don’t really understand how their reads are supposed to work and how they intend to win the game when they have >half of the game in null.
Overall, their play doesn’t really make sense to me as villa. Wolf motivation is likely to project confidence and “push wolves!!!”. That’s… all they’ve been doing this game, really. Which is a problem, because it’s very inflexible play.

I scumread kat before for doing something very similar (a part of it was probably OMGUS, but still), but kat has leveled up since. Calculus hasn’t. In fact, they are oddly quiet right now. One of their scumreads flipped town, a ton of other people have flipped, yadda yadda. This is a moment when they should re-evaluate, but they have barely provided any insights.

A team with Soul/Calc is a team where they barely talked to one another at all and where they didn’t do much in thread other than posting some hot takes.

I know Soul can play like this as wolf, but it’s really old meta from Clash of Cults. They barely interacted with their partner there.

If EoD2 we wagoned town-town-town-Fool, then I guess they really didn’t need to do anything. Soul was admittedly towny there.


Of course there’s no one around at my activity peak.
Right now I’m thinking Calculus +2. Potentially +1 if Frost was scum fakeflipped as town.

Is there a world where Italy does what he did as fakechecked wolf? I think he could just coast off of my townread on them instead of pulling a “Maid check.”
Their play feels consistent with the check anyway. (Lower activity D1/D2, higher activity D3.)
Not a huge bar to clear, but given the fact Italy barely does anything as wolf, it’s notable.

Thinking gorta plays harder here as wolf king, if that makes sense. From his position as a general townread, he could potentially make or break this game for wolves right here.

Thinking the same about Centuries, although I feel like my read on him is less “he’s been villagery” and more like “his WiM is not consistent with his wolf game that I saw on this site” which is probably bad.

Thinking PKR is too pure in a town!him way (grandiose way of presenting checks, being mysterious for no reason, etc., etc., are all town things for him from my experience) to be a wolf here, even ignoring my check.

AT has no flip in the OP, that must mean he’s not dead!

I wonder if specchat has solved the game yet. Please don’t laugh at me from there, thanks.

@Amelia Anything?

im back

What’s your WiM this game and do your posts prove your answer?

Would also like to hear your input on slots we haven’t considered for most of the game.


At first high like D1

and then it suddenly dropped D2

one of the reasons was that I subbed into anonymous during N1

and then like you all are hyperposting which is really annoying to follow so it’s fairly low

I made some random re read post just so I could get back into the mood

which ones

checked so like, we cant flip him atm


like i dont think its like all white and there’s some early game stuff which are kinda weird but ehh

legit forgot he was in the game

i think there’s mech stuff but honestly I forgot most of the claims

I trust Chloe’s read enough I feel

maybe Chloe yells at me in deadchat for this though

He feels off + like he has some weird posts
he also has good ones

i have too high expectations with the player anyway

fairly sure he’s bd :^)

slot is off

idk if its becuase new player or newbscum though

your iso of him has some good points but it feels at certain points where you just read him on not being an excellent player over anything else especially since this is his first fm game ever?

(idk why i have more to say on this slot tbh lmao)

im fairly sure gk

lolslot who did weird stuff early

appel is like reminding me of scumgame i played with her but maybe im comparing to dgadt which look more like a game where appel posts a lot but then

55 posts
I don’t remember much

but like apparently they have to be town if im town so like yup

like most of the slots u asked me to reads

i have weak reads

and i feel more like

they are lhf so i read them towards bottom

than them being scummy for the most part

Okay, but we need to decide on today’s yeet. I’m strongly leaning Calculus right now.
If you’re a villager, I’m expecting you to contribute toward solving the game at this point.
Your uncertainty is >rand V meta-wise but I can’t keep clearing you for that alone.

I guess, I just really take issue with someone having almost exclusively mafia reads, very consensus town reads (the mafia reads were fairly consensus too, actually), being paranoid of everyone, and yet not really pushing anything. It seems consistent with a wolf who feels the need to push people but doesn’t actually have the skill / willingness / confidence to be more flexible. Really tunnel-visioned play with next to no re-evaluation.

the fact this was followed up with

Could be a townie reaction losing wim after last night

I think that’s a really thin reason to clear an underwhelming slot.