[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

mech solve then

I still think AT, the Fool, framed you, though. His logs make no sense unless he’s Fool.

Does Amelia have someone jailed?

If not that probably needs to happen soon

day ends in an hour and 10 minutes

I don’t think I will ever believe that AT spent the entirety of d2 keeping quiet about the fact his mech info directly contradicted PKR’s. Especially if he came from ToL, he should understand the importance of mech info at least.

even if AT framed me

soul was jailed during an erad (cant be CL)
that erad was likely strongmanned (cant be Rit)

I’m trying to mostly ignore mechanics because there are too many possibilities at this point.
Do we actually need to yeet a specific Cult class today, or just Cult? I don’t see the difference.

im still not 100% fully convinced that AT was Fool but i should probably consider more worlds where the 3rd cult isnt a framer and that AT is just fool

well the CL PoE is much narrower

i dont think it really matters which we yeet although jailing the CL would be optimal

But CL can just use transfer essence

if i consider Fool!ATN worlds then Appel still has Acolyte potential but is flirted K/O so they’re still not CL

which is why you shouldn’t announce who you jail

Hello, do you have anyone jailed?

Don’t say who, just yes or no

(and technically Invoker potential, although this would mean that the TBE bleed came from Town)

Cult w/ Acolyte worlds make some sense with the bleed count so /shrug

can we get a VC?


Votee Voters Votes
Calculus Vulgard 1/6
Katze PKR 1/6
Soul an_gorta_pratai, Appel 2/6

honestly dont care if i missed an unvote or not, point it out and it will be fixed next VC

About 50 minutes till EoD

/vote Calculus

I think I’d prefer this yeet?

I never voted Soul.

@PokemonKidRyan @TheBlueElixir I’m still waiting for those readlists by the way.