[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Yeah that’s what I’m saying.
I’m either stuck knee deep in confirmation bias or im calling out every wrong thing you do…
I kinda want to believe the latter tho ._.

It seems like they’re at odds with each other with both of them convinced that the other is scum. The possibility exists that they’re both town, but with the interaction between the two of them, I somewhat doubt it at this point. They’ve also both used the strategy of claiming that someone else was town without explaining why they they thought the person is town. I doubt two townies would do that.

Calculus’s reads are super level 1


why is this wolfy

why is this wolfy (also her post reads like a joke)

why is this wolfy

like I’m not even disagreeing on your actual conclusions but the reasons for them are kind of ???

I’m less concerned about the read level and more concerned about the utter lack of townreads. I think cheese generally has some townreads?
My read really depends on Calculus’ level of “newbiness.”

GTH right now which one do you think it is?

also I might have said this already but Vul jumping immediately to ‘wrong villager’ as an explanation for why I’m scumreading him feels like TMI


I’m good at reading him, like, I have ever initially misread him as scum when he was town but I figured it out in less than a day

so why is he not bothered by the fact that I’m scumreading him


is this a slip

GTH, I’d guess that the wolf in them if there is one is Vul at the moment.

You explained it yourself. I know you’ll come around.

I’m referring to cheese because Calculus claimed to learn from him. So if he learned from cheese, then he should probably know that townreads have weight, right?

They haven’t given much reasoning to it other than “I like their vibe” which I have problems with.

…Joke was taken badly.
If it were real, then I see this as mafia attacking someone without fear of retaliation.

Probably wanted to explain more on that one.
“I’m gonna go kill myself” or anything alluding to gamethrowing I think comes from mafia, as some grandiose drama.

[quote=“Vulgard, post:408, topic:82831”]



uh I probably can’t explain my tinfoil within the boundaries of the rules

Just realized that the three things I quoted were nearly the same ._.

guess who back

Nothing you have said has been AI. That is why. (I was originally going to put it blank, as that would be null, but. I guess i oversighted it when I rewrote all of the nulls.)

…I didn’t even claim neutral. That was a joke anyway, I don’t gamethrow.
You read as really pure, though. Really. Like Universal-level pure.

Your paranoia levels match your towngame, so I have no reason to call you wolf unless you get converted tonight and I’m alive tomorrow.

Pretty sure kat is a wolf at this rate, by the way. I thought something else might’ve been at play, but their responses didn’t give me that impression. They seem more meticulous this game instead of free-flowy.

PK could be it, too. I don’t really buy the “nonchalant attitude” and I dislike the fact kat is defending him for it.

Frost not having posted yet is a bad look meta-wise, but it’s not been very long. Step up or get yeeted.



  1. (of a person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.

Yeah, I can understand that. I literally wasn’t like that at all last game.

Why/how would there be townreads when everyone’s just vibing?
I see some indications of mafia, but everyone else I have a blank state on.

VVV: Arete, Chloe, Centuries
VV: Calculus, TheBlueElixir
V: ATNoName, Leafia (the priest claim was towny), Soulshade55r (liked the attitude but disliked the lack of meaningful content after a good start)
W: Frostwolf103 (until he posts)
WW: PsychoKang
WWW: katze

VVV - Pretty much the towncore. The only world where it contains a wolf is a world where they get converted.
VV - Strong village reads. I’m possibly misclearing someone there, but I doubt it.
V - Village leans. Could be wolves there, but they have some villagery things going for them.
W - Wolf leans. Could be villagers there, but they have some wolfy things going for them.
WW - Wolves. I possibly put a villager here by mistake, but I doubt it given their posts so far. Still clearable.
WWW - Lockwolves. Yeet those asap.

It seems to me that most people are trying to solve the game.

not sure how you hit W instead of V but your case sucks