[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


i mean

if i were kat and i randed scum with vul - and arete was in the game
i would do the same shit they are doing right now

so dont rule it out :^)

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if i randed scum with vulgard i’d probably fucking bus him she’s not wrong

this is only if i were kat

if chloe and vul got starting groupscum, there would be a d1 GT and game would end on d2

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am i going too deep into this?
this will be useful after N1 ends


as a deep south boomer I don’t understand a word of it

Have you explained why that is?

I want to say Leafia is town here tbqh, but I can’t be sure

The current pair candidates are Chloe/Katze, Cents/Chloe/, Arete/Katze, and TBE/someone else

Activity isn’t NAI for Wazza

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@TheBlueElixir if I were to put you in allies who would you want to go in allies with?

hard veto this for reasons ive explained earlier

I still have it on the table, but I remember what you said. I might just add you/Arete, but I want input damnit

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It’s my decision, but I want everyone’s input on the subject

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I want to be in the allies chat for a reason but I cannot really say much more than that.

@Chloe what could you and Centuries do in allies? How would it be better than Arete/Katze going in?

and who would you want in with you if I picked you?

I would not mind too much.
I do not think PK or Appel though.

Arete/Katze is a pretty tempting pick, but what do you have to offer? These kinds of questions help me decide who I think should go into allies

He’s V
and I’m V

Centuries has shown he has unique takes that arent consensus

I think we could have some interesting discussion

I’m not opposed to an Arete/kat allies-chat, because they are better with Gamer Plans :tm: that are usually established in allies
I’m not sold on kat V, and probably wont have a solid soulread today
I havent seen anything from Arete that i actively despise

So meh
Its fine

and i understand they are stronger players than me, so if they are both V, they can probably do a lot more :upside_down_face:

i am a villager and you are also a villager

did that change your mind

lol no