FoL Ideas Megathread

Blue Dragon:


Sheriff :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Investigative

Day Ability: Scout - You will know if target player is converted. (Unlimited)

Night Ability: Expert Investigation - Learn if target player is Unseen. (Unlimited)


Paladin :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Killer

Day Ability: Cleanse - Target player will be conversion immune tonight. (2 uses)

Night Ability 1: Test Faith - Learn if target player is a cult member. (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Smite - Kill target player if they are a member of the cult. If they are not then you will not be able to use any ability’s for 2 nights. (Unlimited)




Unseen Investigative

Day Ability: Expose - Learn who was jailed by the prince tonight (3 uses)

Night Ability: Probe - Learn target players class if they are part of the Blue Dragon (Unlimited)


Cult Leader

Cult Leader :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Passive: Train - You may give the starting cultist any valid set of ability’s for any non-unique converted BD of that type

Day Ability 1: Rupture - Bleed target player. They will die in 2 nights (4 uses)
Day Ability 2: Shroud - If target player dies tonight they will flip as the chosen class (2 uses)

Night Ability 1: Brainwash - Convert target player to the cult. (Unlimited. 1 day cooldown)
Night Ability 2: Sacrifice - Kill a cultist and 2 non-cultists. You can attack the same person twice (Unlimited)


Spiritualist and Revenant

Spiritualist :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Passive 1: Soulbound - You can talk to the Revenant at night
Passive 2: Ethereal Mind - You are occupy immune

Day Ability: Bind Soul - You will be immune to death tonight (5 uses)

Night Ability: Mind Control - Redirect your first target to your second. If you would make them target themselves you will occupy them instead. You will also get a copy of their night results. (Unlimited)
Goal: Live to see the world burn (NK wincon)

Revenant :shield:

Neutral Killer
Passive 1: Soulbound - You can talk with the Spiritualist at night
Passive 2: Ethereal Body - At the end of N1 you will appear to die. You can still talk, vote and do night actions. You cannot be voted or targeted by ability’s. You will only die for real when the spiritualist does.

Night Ability 1: Haunt - Kill target player. The second time you try to attack the same person it cannot be stopped. (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Ghostly Presence- Prevent all visits to target player. Can target the spiritualist. (Unlimited. 1 day cooldown)

This is a WIP

1 Like

i like spiritualist

i don’t

Elaborate please

for one thing it’s now 2 players when it only needs to be 1
then there’s the fact that Rev can vote for no reason
then there’s the fact that you’ve once again removed the point of Revenant

this isn’t Revenant it’s a new class

I mean kinda a useless ability once prince is ded

Other than that I like everything especially Reverent and Spiritualist

I mean if the prince is dead does he even need a day ability?

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He needs to be able to murder everyone at once.

I saw a couple of errors:

This is blue when it should be purple.

CL is missing a faction and type line.

Spelling error, should be “Offensive”.

Revenant* unless this neutral killer respects people to death :wink:

Plus for all of them the class card format is (replacing anything in square brackets with class info):

The [Class]

[Faction] [Type]
[Passive] (Passive) - [Passive.]
[Day] (Day) - [Day.] - [x] uses
[Night] (Night) - [Night.] - [Infinite] uses

Unless of course the differences are intentional, in which case ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I prefer my format. Easier to copy and paste and I have programs to auto fill them. The other errors were fixed.

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(You have a program to auto fill it?)

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I type in the class name and ability’s check a few boxes for faction and type and it fills out the formating for me.

May i see it?

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May I see it too?

@CheesyKnives @Htm

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>Class Creation Tool</title>
function Main(){
var Faction = "";
var PType = "";
var CType = "";

var PName = this.PrimeName.value;
if (this.PrimeP1.value != ""){
var PP1 = "&gt; Passive: " + this.PrimeP1.value + "<br/>";
var PP1 = ""
if (this.PrimeP2.value != ""){
var PP2 = "&gt; Passive 2: " + this.PrimeP2.value + "<br/>";
var PP2 = ""

var PD1Use = this.PrimeD1Use.value;
if (this.PrimeD1.value != ""){
var PD1 = "&gt;<br/>&gt; Day Ability: " + this.PrimeD1.value;
if (this.PrimeD1Use.value == ""){
	PD1Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.PrimeD1Use.value == "1"){
	PD1Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	PD1Use = " (" + this.PrimeD1Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var PD1 = ""
var PD2Use = this.PrimeD2Use.value;
if (this.PrimeD2.value != ""){
var PD2 = "&gt; Day Ability 2: " + this.PrimeD2.value;
if (this.PrimeD2Use.value == ""){
	PD2Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.PrimeD2Use.value == "1"){
	PD2Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	PD2Use = " (" + this.PrimeD2Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var PD2 = ""

var PN1Use = this.PrimeN1Use.value;
if (this.PrimeN1.value != ""){
var PN1 = "&gt;<br/>&gt; Night Ability: " + this.PrimeN1.value;
if (this.PrimeN1Use.value == ""){
	PN1Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.PrimeN1Use.value == "1"){
	PN1Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	PN1Use = " (" + this.PrimeN1Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var PN1 = ""
var PN2Use = this.PrimeN2Use.value;
if (this.PrimeN2.value != ""){
var PN2 = "&gt; Night Ability 2: " + this.PrimeN2.value;
if (this.PrimeN2Use.value == ""){
	PN2Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.PrimeN2Use.value == "1"){
	PN2Use = " (1 Uses) <br/>";
	PN2Use = " (" + this.PrimeN2Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var PN2 = ""

var Goal = this.Goal.value;

var CName = this.ConvertName.value;

if (this.ConvertP1.value != ""){
var CP1 = "&gt; Passive: " + this.ConvertP1.value + "<br/>";
var CP1 = ""
if (this.ConvertP2.value != ""){
var CP2 = "&gt; Passive 2: " + this.ConvertP2.value + "<br/>";
var CP2 = ""

var CD1Use = this.ConvertD1Use.value;
if (this.ConvertD1.value != ""){
var CD1 = "&gt;<br/>&gt; Day Ability: " + this.ConvertD1.value;
if (this.ConvertD1Use.value == ""){
	CD1Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.ConvertD1Use.value == "1"){
	CD1Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	CD1Use = " (" + this.ConvertD1Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var CD1 = ""
var CD2Use = this.ConvertD2Use.value;
if (this.ConvertD2.value != ""){
var CD2 = "&gt; Day Ability 2: " + this.ConvertD2.value;
if (this.ConvertD2Use.value == ""){
	CD2Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.ConvertD2Use.value == "1"){
	CD2Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	CD2Use = " (" + this.ConvertD2Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var CD2 = ""

var CN1Use = this.ConvertN1Use.value;
if (this.ConvertN1.value != ""){
var CN1 = "&gt;<br/>&gt; Night Ability: " + this.ConvertN1.value;
if (this.ConvertN1Use.value == ""){
	CN1Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.ConvertN1Use.value == "1"){
	CN1Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	CN1Use = " (" + this.ConvertN1Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var CN1 = ""
var CN2Use = this.ConvertN2Use.value;
if (this.ConvertN2.value != ""){
var CN2 = "&gt; Night Ability 2: " + this.ConvertN2.value;
if (this.ConvertN2Use.value == ""){
	CN2Use = " (Unlimited) <br/>";
}else if (this.ConvertN2Use.value == "1"){
	CN2Use = " (1 Use) <br/>";
	CN2Use = " (" + this.ConvertN2Use.value + " Uses) <br/>";
var CN2 = ""

var Color = ""
if (this.Neutral.checked == true){
	Faction = "Neutral";
	Color = "Gray";
}else if(this.Unseen.checked == true){
	Faction = "Unseen";
	Color = "Purple";
}else if (this.Cult.checked == true){
	Faction = "Cult";
	Color = "Darkred";
	Faction = "Blue Dragon";
	Color = "Steblue";
if (this.PrimeKiller.checked == true){
	PType = "Killer";
}else if (this.PrimeOffencive.checked == true){
	PType = "Offencive";
}else if (this.PrimeSocial.checked == true){
	PType = "Social";
}else if (this.PrimeSupport.checked == true){
	PType = "Support";
}else if (this.PrimeInvestigative.checked == true){
	PType = "Investigative";
	PType = "Special";
if (this.ConvertKiller.checked == true){
	CType = "Killer";
}else if (this.ConvertOffencive.checked == true){
	CType = "Offencive";
}else if (this.ConvertSocial.checked == true){
	CType = "Social";
}else if (this.ConvertSupport.checked == true){
	CType = "Support";
}else if (this.ConvertInvestigative.checked == true){
	CType = "Investigative";
	CType = "Special";

var Unique = ""
var Guaranteed = ""
if (this.UYes.checked == true){
	Unique = " :shield:"
if (this.GYes.checked == true){
	Guaranteed = " :crossed_swords:"

if (Faction == "Neutral"){
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = '&gt; # [color = "gray"] ' + PName + ' [/color] ' + Unique + Guaranteed + ' </br> &gt; **[color = "gray"] Neutral ' + PType + ' [/color]** </br>' + PP1 + PP2 + PD1 + PD1Use + PD2 + PD2Use + PN1 + PN1Use + PN2 + PN2Use + '*goal: ' + Goal + '*';
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = '&gt; # [color = "' + Color + '"] ' + PName + ' [/color] ' + Unique + Guaranteed + ' </br> &gt; **[color = "' + Color +'"] ' + Faction + ' ' + PType + ' [/color]** </br>' + PP1 + PP2 + PD1 + PD1Use + PD2 + PD2Use + PN1 + PN1Use + PN2 + PN2Use;
Color = "purple"
Faction = "Unseen"
if (CName != ""){
document.getElementById("convert").innerHTML = '&gt; # [color = "' + Color + '"] ' + CName + ' [/color] ' + Unique + Guaranteed + ' </br> &gt; **[color = "' + Color +'"] ' + Faction + ' ' + CType + ' [/color]** </br>' + CP1 + CP2 + CD1 + CD1Use + CD2 + CD2Use + CN1 + CN1Use + CN2 + CN2Use;

<h1> Class Creation Tool </h1>
<h2> Base class </h2>
<p>Blue Dragon<input name = "Faction" Type = "Radio" Id = "BD" /><br/>
Neutral<input name = "Faction" Type = "Radio" Id = "Neutral" /><br/>
Unseen<input name = "Faction" Type = "Radio" Id = "Unseen" /><br/>
Cult<input name = "Faction" Type = "Radio" Id = "Cult" /><br/></p>

<p>Killer<input name = "PrimeType" type = "Radio" Id = "PrimeKiller" /><br/>
Offencive<input name = "PrimeType" type = "Radio" Id = "PrimeOffencive" /><br/>
Social<input name = "PrimeType" type = "Radio" Id = "PrimeSocial" /><br/>
Support<input name = "PrimeType" type = "Radio" Id = "PrimeSupport" /><br/>
Investigative<input name = "PrimeType" type = "Radio" Id = "PrimeInvestigative" /><br/>
Special<input name = "PrimeType" type = "Radio" Id = "PrimeSpecial" /><br/>

<p>Unique? Yes<input name = "Unique" type = "Radio" Id = "UYes" />No<input name = "Unique" type = "Radio" Id = "UNo" /></p>
<p>Guaranteed? Yes<input name = "Guaranteed" type = "Radio" Id = "GYes" />No<input name = "Guaranteed" type = "Radio" Id = "GNo" /></p>
<p>Name: <input Id = "PrimeName" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Passive 1: <input Id = "PrimeP1" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Passive 2: <input Id = "PrimeP2" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Day Ability 1: <input Id = "PrimeD1" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "PrimeD1Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Day Ability 2: <input Id = "PrimeD2" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "PrimeD2Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Night Ability 1: <input Id = "PrimeN1" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "PrimeN1Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Night Ability 2: <input Id = "PrimeN2" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "PrimeN2Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Goal (leave blank unless neutral): <input Id = "Goal" Type = "text"/></p>
<h2> Converted Class (leave blank if unconvertible) </h2>
<p>Killer<input name = "ConvertType" type = "Radio" Id = "ConvertKiller" /><br/>
Offencive<input name = "ConvertType" type = "Radio" Id = "ConvertOffencive" /><br/>
Social<input name = "ConvertType" type = "Radio" Id = "ConvertSocial" /><br/>
Support<input name = "ConvertType" type = "Radio" Id = "ConvertSupport" /><br/>
Investigative<input name = "ConvertType" type = "Radio" Id = "ConvertInvestigative" /><br/>
Special<input name = "ConvertType" type = "Radio" Id = "ConvertSpecial" /><br/>
<p>Name: <input Id = "ConvertName" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Passive 1: <input Id = "ConvertP1" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Passive 2: <input Id = "ConvertP2" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Day Ability 1: <input Id = "ConvertD1" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "ConvertD1Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Day Ability 2: <input Id = "ConvertD2" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "ConvertD2Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Night Ability 1: <input Id = "ConvertN1" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "ConvertN1Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p>Night Ability 2: <input Id = "ConvertN2" Type = "text"/> Uses (leave blank if unlimited): <input Id = "ConvertN2Use" Type = "text"/></p>
<p id = "output"></p>
<p id = "convert"></p>
<input type = "button" value = "Submit" onClick = "Main();" />


Amazing, thx Nuke.

1 Like

I go to a vocational school and spend half my time learning to code.

i don’t know much about code but where would you go to make this useful?

Notepad++. Save it as an HTML document

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