FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

We could let Prince exe this

are you sure

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Prince is dead


Donā€™t beat up already dead horse

You may now vote to execute or pardon Bluestorm.

Yes, but I would have said during my essay ā€˜I wanted to have my night one check have a flip to use as a benchmark and I thought they were scumā€™ but nope, no reference to it

Wait you compared him with margret right?

Yes, I did

Fair enough

What was his flip?

:man_facepalming: I think we should exe this then

Eevee was bluedragon

So itā€™s framejob on you, but who knows.

Margaret/Eevee was a Physician

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Enjoy Cultā€™s rampage of the court then

If you exe me, they only grow in numbers.

Since when was margret eevee?

Nah, I think weā€™ll be OK tbh

Eevee is Margaretā€™s replacement

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Since Margaret subbed out and eevee replaced in.

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Since she replaced out

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