FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

Night 1

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Ok got it

This is activity all right



Enjoy having 4 cult and a Reaper to go up against at the start of D4

Seeing Sheriff/Paladin hasnā€™t found anything, they prefer to keep it quiet.

So weā€™re still in the dark.

Unlessā€¦ Cult arenā€™t a threat to you, Mole?


Interesting how you specify reaper

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Dude, Knight Isaac claimed bleeding D2. Or did that flip your mind?

How do you know itā€™s a Reaper game?

Cult Leader and Assassin can bleed, thatā€™s nothing important

Itā€™s the first one that came to mind.

It was also mentioned earlier by FK or someone soā€¦


Well I found Cult anyway but thatā€™s not important.

This the kind of openwolfing you wanted FK?

I donā€™t see how your abilities have found cult, your only proof that cult exists is when someone got bled D2 by so-called Cult Leader?

He can one time see someoneā€™s faction

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Read the Devil classcard, bright spark.

Or he found Blue Dragon actually, that works too.


Wait and see if he put the name on the logs

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Why trust a Devil anyway