FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

Stop grasping, nerd.

If BD mislynch two more times, I win.

Its not a roundabout way, you need so see blue dragon exed thus you need to see me and other blue dragon members exed

I donā€™t get what you mean.

My faction check is single use.

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Exactly you said it. So you win by BD mislynching which you will cause but that is not in BDā€™s interest OR by scum winning both ANTI BD wincons.

Oh what a shame

I just tried to act as neutral so if heā€™s not a devil he would say neutral


Yeah but you and the rest of your Cult need to see BD defeated flat-out.

I can technically see 2 more BD lynched and BD could still win.

You need to see me and another BD die thus why you are saying I am cult.

Soā€¦ I wont waste my time with scum and will take this debate victory and end it with a solid.


/mute @BlueStorm

would execute you if NK has not been outed last comment

Hey, hey Sam.

I know why itā€™s a Cult game for certain.

How come YOUā€™RE so sure?

EZ scumslip.

Mole said it was a cult game.

This is the song that never endsā€¦it goes on and on again

Also you are saying i am cult. I am not saying that there is cult jsut reiterating your arguement so not a scumslip

So by this you assume Mole is EK.

Why vote me over an EK if youā€™re BD?

NO U! I WIN THE DEBATE be quiet. Now going to play some ToL by scumbagā€¦

He leaves and exits with a victory and a excited look on his face

Straws, straws everywhere.

Exactly what you are pulling at straws to try and lynch BD Mic Drop

ā€¦And this kind of written work is why Iā€™m part of Shurianā€™s RPs and youā€™re not.

I donā€™t get it

Part of me died inside until he realized that Tech outted himself