FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

Then I’ll make things happen, purely to spite you.

sigh Guys, can you just settle down? Nothing’s going to get better if things get this escalated


blue wouldn’t do this.

Something is wrong

Something is wrong here

Yeah, Sam’s being a dick and performing character assassination just to get me killed.

Blue. Step away from the keyboard, do not get worked up over a game.

Squid if a scum wants to help BD by killing scum I will not prevent it from happening

Scene 2 Act 1:NO U


Not at a keyboard I’m on my phone.

(Jesus Christ, the Smash Mash is better than this right now and I’m in the final 13)

Then close your browser, and play a game or something. Calm yourself.

I’ve been merked by meathead over there before, but it is no reason to get yourself blacklisted over.

Fuck that noise, he’s not worth playing games with.

He was an asshole in OWFM and he’s one here too.

I don’t see how he’s being annoying to you lol.

Honestly I really want to believe blue here but I don’t ever see blue doing this as a NE.

keep talking so I can think guys

Blue all you need to do is type replace out, and go and do something relaxing.

Sam is a… personality, however, he isn’t worth getting yourself blacklisted over.

Jesus Christ FK do you not learn?


Fuck Sam.

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Keep talking

My dude, when you play with fire you get burned. Watch yourself or things can get escalated easily.

Also I can’t remember games by names what happened there lol

Howsabout my entire illogical outburst that happened the day I got mislynched that game? Ring any bells?

Fuck Sam.

Stop lying, just stop. You lost it is over. Turn off your phone.