FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

Why did you think I claimed maid?

I have probably misremembered

Hey guys if I get myself modkilled will you guys lynch firekitten

I honestly am losing motivation fast at this point, so might replace out later, depends

ā€œLet me fake rage so I donā€™t get lynched, and throw in a replacement cause why notā€

Why am I seeing a theme of everyone trying to modkill themselves so they wonā€™t get lynched?

This must stop obviously

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If you donā€™t have fun anymore, may as well take a break and consider not to signup.

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Donā€™t just replace out cause you are caught max at least finish the game


At least I fight until to the bitter end.

Ruining the fun for everyone else is a pretty dick move and might get the modkilled blacklisted

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maximusprime is officially on trial.

also maxi pls cut out the modkill deal.


You may now vote to execute or pardon.

Majority is 5

Btwā€¦ if people want a pally claim. That is meā€¦ i was mad confused about maximusā€™s Paladin claim before so I wanted to confirm his claim. But now it makes sense. Soā€¦ red check on Maximus. = death


Sam who did you actually check.

Great mislynch on the paladin

Whoever is town at the end pls check the spreadsheet so you can see how wrong you were and see how badly you got pocketed by firekitten even though he was obviously cult

You can literally look at Pugā€™s actions and see that Iā€™m town in every situation but nah just listen to fk cause ā€œheā€™s the better playerā€

@NuclearBurrito sam is bussing max discuss

Sam you donā€™t mind me checking you right :eyes:


Sure. I donā€™t mind