FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

No it doesn’t?

I am paladin(who checked you)… As I have said before

I won’t flip cult

shut up cult

If it doesn’t then we can just wait for frost to show up and answer your question before we hammer it

However I’m not talking again incase it’s twilight

and in case it isn’t please unvote

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so @Pug is it hammer or not?

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well so it’s clear you aren’t just talking about the word execute

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If it isn’t a rule it would be great to help hosts keep track of vote counts

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In case it is, I’ll unvote.

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Wait, give me some time.


Accused Voters Count
Kill Sam17z, Firekitten, Squiddy, Luxy, Moleland 5/5


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Flip incoming.

After I had answered Maxi’s pleas to be modkilled. The players had chosen to kill Maxi.

So I got my blue eyes black dragon card and banished Maxi to the shadow realm

Maximus was The Paladin

The Paladin :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Investigative
Cleanse (Day) - The player you target with Test of Faith will also be immune to conversion tonight. - 2 uses
Test of Faith (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Cult. - Infinite uses
Smite (Night) - If anyone attacks you tonight, you will kill them. Bypasses night immunity. You will be immune to death and conversion while doing this. - 1 use

Maxi | Paladin

D1: Cleanse
N1: TF Marl | NS. Linked
N2: Forgot to action lol… Got a random TF PoisonedSquid | NS
N3: TF Firekitten | CULT!

ask who was last linked if i die

Night 4 has now begun. It will end in 12 hours. instead of the 24 hours due to lower playercount at November 17, 2018 12:36 PM

dont lock thread kthxbye

(don’t lock thread)

Upon waking up. You had found that Boopydoop was dead after maybe reading a little too much salty forum quotes.

She was The Court Wizard

A logbook was found errmmmm somewhere near the situation but our scouts genuinely dont care who wins at this point so Pug Inc cannot disclose who the killer is.

Welp, BCS it’s somehow 2v6 going into N4 but that’s highly unlikely
Mole is for sure DK so that’s 3v5, assuming no converts worked, which I doubt
WP Cult, perfect game

Majority is 4.

God damn it

/Vote firekitten