FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory



you really wanted nuke dead

I told you FK is scum Why u do this


Blue Iā€™m disappointed

Yā€™all are fucking sadistic pushing for my lynch

Not at the end, I just didnā€™t trust him, but I changed my mind.

Guarding Boopy wouldnā€™t have mattered in the end - but I figured you might try and kill me

Also max tot
trying to modkill yourself to get you confirmed and get someone rlse lynched is bad


We didnā€™t want to or rather sam wanted to I didnā€™t.

Tech got himself modkilled so we had no choice

Personally I would see some of Moleā€™s messages as Good king ticking.

Sam really wanted you dead

Nah I fucking sympathise this was fucking arsehole gameplay by Cult

I couldnā€™t stop Max being lynched either because my team mates voted him to trial.


We played great

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Bd idiots are idiots

Sure, but you played like arseholes

Cult got away with alot

thats a feels bad.


I mean it was sorta your own fault for trying to screw sam over.


Itā€™s not our fault that tech got modkilled

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Tbf, it really isnt

He quoted his class card.

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endgame sheet going up now.