FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

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okay but seriously I made a mistake putting sam twice lol

updating OP to have endgame sheet


And Yes I wasnt scum

Not my fault I couldn’t keep up with my activities here

I am lover of gingerbread by the way

okay then. Hjasik.

Yeah I am sorta busy irl also au timezone is sick to deal with as well.

Honestly I thought itd be some petty argument.
Glad you proved me wrong.

Naaa, I got converted after I outted Blue

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Yup, Boopy should have protected you



, you didnt play the worse, but as with most of the town, you sheeped

So, People, stop fucking sheeping, unless you read them as scum.


actually yeah I shouldnt join a MU game.

I have inactives entire games here.

Sheeping caused town to lose this game.

Amongst other things, but mostly sheeping.


Well at that point, BD just lost after N4.

Rate My game here

I did get suspicious of Sam D3 and I checked Luxy as I also questioned him, but yeah… that didn’t matter at the end :woman_shrugging:

I feel like when i come back here in a month, that everyone is going to better, and its going to be really challenging.

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Can we talk about the coindence of nuke talking about pizza

him accusing me of cult, hoho - how wrong he was

It wasnt bad, but scum you were a good target to kill for pretty much being town read.

I wanted to see how you would have done if you were alive longer.