FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

you know what

I want to reveal some shit about myself.

Go on. ask me absolutely anything.

Pug why did you choose the username pug

Wait, what.

Are you a dog Irl?

no lol.
Iā€™ve face revealed before.

Who do you think is the best player on this site?



Nah you are outclassed by meme

I chalk this game up to a lack of support from my team mates. Not much else I could do.

One chad GK vs the 4 virgin Cult members.

A truly tragic tale.


Oh I count as virginā€¦

Who would win
1 BD king
Or sheep squad+cult

I didnt mention you now did I?


One Chad GK vs the 4 Virgin Cult members and their pet Fanatic.

Truly a tragic tale.

Alright so itā€™s a long story.

2014 I had a YouTube channel and I just randomly thought of having a pug as the channel icon because ā€œHaha lol pewdiepieā€
So thatā€™s where my interest for Pugs started.

I later became more focused with my Pug character upon playing minecraft and having a yt channel for that.

Iā€™m not disclosing my old username here.
but anyway. I decided to make a new username for my irl shit.


I made a more edgier character for that name and there it is. Meā€¦ but maybe not because my 13 year old self was rounder than a basketball.
(dont worry it aint a coldsteel. just some eyebleeding clothes here and there and its fine)

Iā€™ll go over my furry phase much later tho. Thatā€™ll be another story.

I later thought my previous name was too narcissistic for a person who hates themself. and I just felt like sticking with Pug.

I will try to get the name Pug wherever I can but if I cannot.
other alts for my username are: FrostPug (not inspired by frostwolf btw. I just like snow k), TemplarPug (My RS name), CommiePug (Ubisoft acc name)

otherwise I have ironic names.

Tl;dr Pug spanned across multiple usernames and it stuck so Iā€™m going to keep it for a while.


One possible way to help BD winrate if needed - Make Priest guaranteed spawn.

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We need more stories moments like this

Thatā€™s too OP
