FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

Vengeance I desired but in a calm way

Nah Iā€™m good

He was a dick to me in discord chat in OWFM

He was unreliable in FWF

He was a dick to me here

Iā€™m not having him in my games

Modkilling yourself is unacceptable I think thatā€™s fair play tho

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How was I mean in the discord? In overwatchā€¦

absolutely agreed

I think

Sam doesnā€™t mean to sound rude

He just does


I just still sorta think Blue was throwing his objective a tiny bit.

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What is FWF? And yeah here I did what I needed to do to win. So pout on it all you want but yeah we needed to win

Samā€™s a cool dude.


I feel bad for both sides here

Itā€™s about as throwy as bussing is.

@BlueStorm your mistake was outing me as cult. That lost you your win

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but yeah I might soft blacklist BlueStorm and Maxi from Xed 4.

(Canā€™t join after 12 hours of thread up)

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I meannn

I would let it slide if he promises not to do it again however if they do itā€™s a perm blacklist

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Explain how I was mean in the overwatch chat?

And explain what happened on FWF which I donā€™t what it is?

No saying you are going to modkill yourself is unacceptable. Ruins game integrity

What did blue do?

I think soft blacklisting is fine.

I still want them in my games. Itā€™s just I should probably punish at least.


Hereā€™s the thing though

I canā€™t promise that one bit

You piss me off I donā€™t know what the hell Iā€™ll do in that moment, itā€™s just a massive negative of the overarching massive negative that is my life

Threatening that he would modkill himself and salt gang

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