FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

you asked the wrong person

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nowhere on the reaperā€™s class card does it say the target canā€™t be revived

therefore they can

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Would have asked you :confused: but i didnt know if a priest was around

Also tech, for posting your classcard midgame Iā€™m blacklisting you from my games and encouraging other hosts to do the same.

Itā€™s unfair to other players and incredibly childish to force a modkill


it was an accident?



That was an accident i take responsibility there

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Like Ashe said

Squid did it on purpose and didnā€™t get blacklisted

Tech did it on accident lol

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how the hell do you quote on accident

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He was trying to prove that chilled worked a certain way

So he quoted the first half of his card to show what chill does I think?


Here you may say you think he did it on purpose to get modkilled

However counter point

He thought they already knew he was reaper so he said ā€œI gave upā€ and didnā€™t know quoting was against the rules

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tech is a nice dude who doesnā€™t need to be blacklisted

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tech is one of the most innocent people on these forums. I mean Iā€™d probably compare his innocence to that of someone like Shuri.

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I am Very innocent too

Margaret healed Marl but reaps bypass.

you definitely arenā€™t. especially considering youā€™re the one who asked for kinks

but letā€™s leave that in the past

I dont think Iā€™m allowed to tell the other Pugs in the time continuim that this happened.