FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

never played rb6


me: picks zenyatta
also me: watches the entire team switching to 4 FPS
me: guys someone pick another healer…
me: guys…
team: tf this support ain’t healing anything
me: ಠ_ಠ

HEY!!!.. I’m not a donkey!

What I want to roll(top 3)
Warlock, fanatic, king

What I don’t want to roll ( top 3)
NK, scorned, devil

deltarune is pre-scratch undertale

It isn’t toxic after you are lv 15 :^)

I am lvl 16


Give me Prince give me life


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Pug always hosts the least salty non bastard active games


Wait…what’s happening?
No…NO…NOOOOO :potato:

Join please so we roll soon
I don’t blame you for a day :slight_smile: if you do

Too busy.



At least that is honestly, interested but have little time to attend

@discobot roll 1d16

:game_die: 4