FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory


We need to define what Abilties can be used during trial

Dude why did you quote your rolecard smh

Inb4 fool

Cause I may be totally wrong but have no idea other then the vague description ā€œif it affects nightā€

I consided at that point .-.


Thatā€™s a quote

Shit is quoting cards against the rulesā€¦ welp last match ether way im on break after this failer

On a side noteā€¦ i cant belive how bad i am at scum


If tech is getting modkilled thenā€¦ letā€™s kill 2 scums for the price of 1 day

If heā€™s getting modkilled. We canā€™t be too certain unless if the hosts tell us otherwise

So unvote pardon before cult quick hammer to save their scum buddy

We will decide once he gets modkilled or not

@Pug modkill the NK so we can get 2 scum.

He quoted his class card after all thanks total break fo the rules

Notice how out of everyone to jump on this train, itā€™s Cultyboi Sam.

Sorry dude itā€™s my honorary duty as BD to kill scum if tech gets modkilled you will die if tech isnā€™t then I will pardon you

Pray tech isnā€™t modkilled for your sake my dude

Know what the funny thing is?

If Tech gets modkilled and it doesnā€™t end the day, Iā€™d be perfectly willing to modkill myself just so BD could lynch you next and see you for the scum you are.

Thatā€™s how much I want your lynch.