FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

I’m jailing Boopy tonight don’t worry :slight_smile:


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scum caught PR fishing your defense?

im gonna quote this forever so if real prince outs

ill just noob boon fires life

I’m the prince so I don’t have to defend myself :thinking:

Jailing Boopy tonight

d2 firekitten is dead REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

d2 firekitten executed - prince

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d2 firekitten executed - they were a prisheriffcourtpalasician

why arent you hyper posting scumcat

Cause I’m prince and I’m too busy jailing boopy.

I’m doing something

This quote right here makes me question Boopy a bit. Why would someone take such a joke so seriously?

As for Isaac, I’m a bit unsure about him. What does alarm me was this:

Max’s answer was also a joke. This quote alone can be seen as a joke too, but he continues the act meaning that it might be serious. I’ll take it with a pinch of salt though since the possibility of it being a joke is still there

be unsure for the whole game bbb

so 3 scum caught D1 thats pretty good

nice job squid. you got reaper, knight, knight, and knight.

how do I force update game reeeee

you dont

nevermind I have -317 iq ill figure it out my self

my iq is ∞