FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

max is so scum


no d1 voting my dude

so how is being scum max

Is isaac open wolfing already?

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if i got cult three games in a row(in fols) then i would literally scream and replace out d1

i assume it’s a cult game because you basically claimed cult so



read luxy you will see how scum max is

max needs to be upped d2

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Why are people thinking it’s a cult game day one?


No idea and I don’t even want to know at this point

maybe read

Fuck no, not with a million ‘lol, i’m scum’ posts

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Slight Scumlean on both.

@Emilia dont spam ping people please.

This is your first strike, 2 more strikes and you will be brutally killed by the bastard Neutral killer prince that isnt actually in this game