FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

He is either town or scorned in his mind.

Honeslty that message makes no sense which makes me think tech is town


So far from what i read hes acting very town like at the same time hes been pushing for poison before i went to bed so that’s my reasoning

@Insanity @Pug why did we get an auzzy and an Indonesia to VC when people live in the est

if you called everyone a scorned who pushed someone we would never win

but everyone is a scorned

Exactly which is why we are going to lose.

No im not its just with how i dont understand how the tab to poisons post is screaming scum it just makes me think he might be scorned

Now on to boopy despite me reading i dont understand why there someone mind explaining?

Fk, I’m in need of 3 reasons to not CS the deepcat

Because she is cute x3

1.You will die
2.You will die
3.You will die

what did you really expect

Towny post

Why is it towny though? Also legit that’s the first time I heard someone say towny post instead of wolfy

How do I die?

Because if he CS town he will die so it implies that you are town since you said he dies if he cs you

Geyde what do you hope to gain from this, serious question.

Could be scum that would kill in retaliation but since they are reapy boi they don’t die and then claim phys with yolo self heal

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