FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

why especially if he was nk

because FK was the one who initially scum read both of you. If his reads are accurate on one of you it is more likely for both of his reads to be accurate

yea but I was going against him

so would Unseen/Cult

why would they. nk off helps bd a lot

instead of 2 bd dying a day only 1 unless cl eradicate which would be 3 bd gone

they also off Unseen/Cult

read the goddamn class cards

isn’t this like throne of lies

do not make another post until you have read every class card

well I have to go to sleep now so

wow that was fast. What is the invokers second ability

chains of morax? I forgot how to spell it

its like drunks thing

ok bye now I sleep

Nope. Invoker only has one night ability. Read up


Fate Voters Count
Kill Firekitten, Luxy, NuclearBurrito, 3/8
Mercy Moleland 1/8


1 person. Sure

Do not use the large text, it is only limited for Co-host and Host.

First warning.

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is it ok if I use 2 or more #'s

like this?

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