FoL23 - Dead Chat

oh god It’s jake he eats people.

Turns Geyde into a Mystic and banishes them into the void There.

Wait can’t priest use dead peoples abilities?

amazing, you read up on the thread? i think that they wanted you to mechanically confirm yourself or something

So can you guys like post your logs n stuff?

You can revive someone pretty much, but I think they can’t vote anymore or use abilities.

I did deb Derp into kape yesterday.

I did mention it above.

and my logs are already known

Just post your frick frakken logs so I don’t have to determine which of our 17 hosts announced them kthx

No u :stuck_out_tongue:

aight i bountied derp n1

Oh fuck, Eevee’s dead? Maxwell is almost definitely fake then.

I’m sorry, I should’ve defended you. Still would’ve been a violation of the nightplan but it would’ve been a violation of said nightplan that resulted in the Prince still being alive.

Everyone died?

…and I observe that DatBird does not appear to be dead.


Why are there so many dead people

How did this happen :thinking: