FoL26: Cult Chat

Great idea. I have a Neuts in stance, so I’ll try to make sure you’re still alive

Looks like it’s up to me to redirect healers onto you so you don’t die

Actually I can just suicide using my ability and flip as Merc.

Suicide next night that is. Seems kinda -EV to do that but it’s an option.

Wait, no, I can’t do that. Shit. I’m gonna die.

The good thing is that it’s -EV to lynch me D2 so I should be able to get a convert off and kill people?

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Ngl the bleed makes me feel slightly better even though it seems to make me likely to die.

Yeah, that’ll work. It already looks like someone wants you to get healed anyway, so there’s no need to redirect them

I’m gonna leave thread now but it looks like things turned out better than I expected?

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Note to self: “merc for Darth and the King”
Might change the 2nd target, but Darth stays, because I publicly defended them. I could use that as a “crumb” I threw.

Can you even have the King as a Merc target?

First a mod told me it was possible, now a mod told me it was only possible if my 2nd contract became King.

Then I might say my 2nd target is someone who hasn’t posted, like Ami.

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I put you at the bottom of my readlist because 1. nobody cares about it anyway and 2. distancing. I don’t intend to get you lynched. I’ll probably push someone else in there who’s far down.

Also I’m probably converting in my “top V reads.”

Don’t think I’m bleeding anyone today. Also I’m almost certainly not getting healed.
I don’t actually know what I’m doing and if my “strats” are any good. Hope my silly shenanigans don’t get you killed.

So who do I convert…
Emilia? I’m really tempted.

Submitted Emilia but might change before the night ends.

As for occupation, I have a feeling it’d be a good idea to block Marshal maybe?

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If you get followed you could always claim something like Paladin and say you checked Marshal because you couldn’t read him. Nobody would blame you.

Yeah, I can try to block him. He’s a bit too… s u s

I don’t know how good Emilia is as scum, but I have played with her as scum and uh… it didn’t turn out too well

That’s the thing though. Curveball?
