FoL26: Cult Chat

The towncred sounds better

Cuz We will become dominos otherwise

Good point. I have no idea who Jgoes is going to check, so I’m redirecting him to someone else

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Please remove yourself from Cult Chat whenever you can @PoisonedSquid

You are now the Cult Leader @Emilia

So is conceding an option?

I believe in you to get this through

Wait what

FoL scum are allowed to keep talking in scum chat while jailed (it’s one of the notable differences from ToL)


I was asked to remove myself. :upside_down_face:

I argue that is not true

Because you are absent from night while jailed



Sure ignore what I just said, name one FoL game where that is allowed.


I asked and was told Italy could still talk

While one is in jail?


Clash of Cults

None of them are FoL I mentioned

NFoL 4 is literally just FoL but for newbies

All the rules are the same as for actual FoL