FoL28 - The Graveyard

you fool
my death was part of our plans this entire time


i literally told you i was gonna serve ale you

and you still eradicated

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dead interaction

i killed alice
checkmate motherfucker

the dead interaction is apostle talking to alive cult

so technically italy can say whatever he wants

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wait holy shit

if arete was the n2 convert then i

stopped N1 convert on Alice
called out the N2 convert on D3
and then killed the CL while i died

i am a gamer

yes but do you think we’re not making any progress

Looks like last wolf is also caught (unless Amelia is doing the gamer move of RTing their greencheck by claiming a red on them.)

i actually hope she is because this is still the funniest shit

Nah, I told them to check Arete overnight.

I might also have stopped the N1 convert.

I know, that’s why

maybe, who knows

but my actions are all public so i can speak

and im a gamer

But you literally couldn’t @Arete because Alice GOAT.

hey i did things too bitch

if i dayocced Arete earlier in the day i could have stopped the prince from being dayocced, i think

but i forgot i even had dose tbh

@clonedcheese How do you feel about my soulread on you?

@Napoleon Why am I allowed to vote for king? xD

i blame geyde

can i vote blizer for king