FoL28 - The Graveyard

Essentially making it that allies prevents the king from using night abilities

are you dayocc immune


id say i wasted my dose but i had nobody else to use it on then

ATNo :sunglasses:

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i unironically almost dayocced seth just to ā€œself resolveā€

then i realized that iā€™d rather bleed out

Arete, maybe you should take a break after this game?

Also, give me more compliments, King is stressful as heck.

I would try to explain why I was tunneling you D3 but 80 percent of the strategic reasons I had for it were dumb

im actually curious because you had TMI that my bleed was real and continued to tunnel me

which confused me and almost made me consider that i was wrong about you



the problem wasnā€™t so much that I didnā€™t care about the game the problem was that the part of my brain that does ā€˜caring about things-in-generalā€™ wasnā€™t working and the game was a thing-in-general

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which is dumb

my brain is dumb


i wasnt able to really articulate why you were a wolf but i was so sure i was right

granted i was drunk for half of it

but i decided ā€œill just let myself die and flip blue and surely this will workā€ and then you got redchecked anyway

I expected you to be more talkative tbh, is this also because caring isnā€™t working?

in Allies chat or in general

I was talking plenty in the thread

I meant in here.


thatā€™s because Iā€™m on mobile

and also said most of the things I wanted to say already

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open this

what was the dead interactions?

we had a mystic?



oh right
