FoL28 - The Graveyard

Ah so Blizer isn’t what I expected, a priest?

I didn’t notice that Marshal outed who he was linking me with.


i see

it was obvious the prince was one of the names i didnt recognize given the n1 jail target anyway

if noname becomes king we might actually have a chance :eyes:

i almost just said something that could help cult a lot


italy why are you ALWAYS a wolf

you don’t let me join your sheep gang
the wolves accept me for who i am

also why is arete stubborn and not conceding

i want this to end :eyes:

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we can actually still win this if the game plays out perfectly

if BD don’t play maybe

if noname somehow becomes king
we can still win this

It was fucking 1 am


Okay cool, I tell the living

not if i tell the living first


On a 1-10, how was my RT on Merc?

fucking 10

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How do I say “I wasn’t paying attention” without saying it directly

Geyde wasn’t paying attention.

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What did you expect, changing our mind to execute you in day?

Yeah, but the neut claim though

why is it that whenever a cult exists, murphy’s law is put into effect